Section 60. Emission testing and evaluation  

Latest version.
  • Undiluted exhaust emissions of diesel engines, to include each side of a dual exhaust system, on diesel-powered equipment used in underground coal mines shall be tested and evaluated weekly by an authorized person. The mine operator shall develop and implement effective written procedures for such testing and evaluation that shall include the following:

    1. The method for which a repeatable load test is conducted that must include an engine RPM reading;

    2. Sampling and analytical methods used to measure diesel engine emission concentrations;

    3. Instrumentation and calibration of instrumentation capable of accurately detecting carbon monoxide in the expected concentrations;

    4. The method of evaluation and interpretation of sampling results;

    5. The operator will establish a baseline level of diesel exhaust emissions, subject to approval by the chief based upon the average of the first four undiluted exhaust emission tests required by this section. This procedure will establish an action level not to exceed the lesser of two times the baseline or 2500 parts per million (ppm) of carbon monoxide. Should the action level be exceeded, the machine shall be removed from service and engine performance improved.

    6. The maintenance of records necessary to track engine performance. These records shall be:

    a. Recorded in a secure book that is not susceptible to alteration, or recorded electronically in a computer system that is secure and not susceptible to alteration; and

    b. Retained at a surface location at the mine for at least one year and made available for inspection by interested persons.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 17, Issue 20, eff. July 18, 2001; amended, Volume 28, Issue 20, eff. July 19, 2012.

Statutory Authority

§§ 45.1-161.3, 45.1-161.106, and 45.1-161.206 of the Code of Virginia.