Section 100. Operation and maintenance of the Dangerous Dog Registry  

Latest version.
  • Part III. Virginia Dangerous Dog Registry

    The following shall be the procedures and requirements for the operation and maintenance of the Dangerous Dog Registry:

    1. The State Veterinarian shall operate and maintain a website to be named the Virginia Dangerous Dog Registry.

    2. A personal identification number (PIN) shall be assigned by the State Veterinarian to each local jurisdiction for administrative access to the Dangerous Dog Registry.

    3. All information in the Dangerous Dog Registry shall be available to the State Veterinarian and local jurisdictions via the website.

    4. The address of the owner, name and breed, acts which resulted in the animal being found dangerous, and information necessary to access court records of the adjudication for each dangerous dog shall be available to the public via the website.

    5. Any funds collected for the Dangerous Dog Registry shall be used by the State Veterinarian to maintain the Dangerous Dog Registry and website.

    All fees collected pursuant to this section, less the costs incurred by the animal control authority in producing and distributing the certificates and tags required by this section, shall be paid into a special dedicated fund in the treasury of the locality for the purpose of paying the expenses of any training course required under § 3.2-6556 of the Code of Virginia.

    The governing body of any locality may enact an ordinance parallel to this statute regulating dangerous and vicious dogs provided, however, that no locality may impose a felony penalty for violation of such local ordinances.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 19, eff. July 1, 2007; amended, Virginia Register Volume 25, Issue 11, eff. March 4, 2009; Volume 29, Issue 10, eff. December 18, 2012.

Statutory Authority

§§ 3.2-6540 and 3.2-6542 of the Code of Virginia.