Section 30. Initial registration requirements for owners of dangerous dogs  

Latest version.
  • Part II. Registration, Renewal, and Notifications

    A. The owner of a dog adjudicated to be dangerous shall within 45 calendar days of the finding by a court of competent jurisdiction, unless the dog has been euthanized:

    1. Provide the local animal control officer the following information required to obtain a Dangerous Dog Registration Certificate:

    a. The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all owners;

    b. All information necessary to locate the owners and the dog at all times;

    c. Identification verifying that all owners of the dangerous dog are 18 years of age or older or the identification of the guardian of any owner under the age of 18;

    d. The acts that resulted in the dog being designated as dangerous;

    e. The parties to the proceeding wherein the dog was found to be dangerous, the docket number and the court where the case was tried, and the requirements imposed by the judge on the owners of the dog;

    f. The address where the dangerous dog is maintained and the name of the owner residing at that address;

    g. The dangerous dog's name, sex, age, weight, primary breed, secondary breed, color and markings;

    h. Two photographs of the dangerous dog, one front view and one side view head to paw;

    i. The number of the dog license issued by the locality;

    j. Verification that the dangerous dog has a current rabies vaccination including expiration date, name, address, and telephone number of the veterinary practice that administered the vaccine and the rabies tag number;

    k. Documentation from a veterinarian that the dangerous dog has been neutered or spayed to include date of surgery, name of the veterinarian performing the surgery, and the practice name, address, and telephone number;

    l. Evidence that the dangerous dog is or will be confined in a proper enclosure or is or will be confined inside the owner's residence or is and will be muzzled and confined in the owner's fenced-in yard until a proper enclosure is constructed;

    m. Evidence that the residence is and will continue to be posted with clearly visible signs warning both minors and adults of the presence of a dangerous dog on the property;

    n. Documentation that the dangerous dog has been identified permanently by means of a tattoo or electronic implantation or both, including the name, practice name, address, and telephone number of the veterinary practice that performed the procedure, the identification number(s), and the microchip company;

    o. A copy of the liability insurance coverage from a company licensed to do business in Virginia in the amount of at least $100,000 that covers the owners for damages caused by dog bites. In lieu of liability insurance, the owner may obtain and maintain a bond in surety in the amount of $100,000. The bond shall be made to the chief administrative officer of the locality where one of the owners resides or where the dangerous dog is maintained for the benefit of those damaged by the bite of a dangerous dog. The form of the bond should be approved by the local jurisdiction's attorney; and

    p. A signed statement of compliance with the provisions of the order finding the dog dangerous.

    2. Obtain a Dangerous Dog Registration Certificate from the local animal control officer or treasurer for a fee of $150 in addition to other fees that may be authorized by law.

    3. Obtain a uniformly designed Virginia Dangerous Dog tag from the local animal control officer or treasurer that has a unique identification number and identifies the animal as a Virginia dangerous dog.

    4. Affix the tag to the animal's collar and ensure that the animal wears the collar and tag at all times.

    B. The owner of the dangerous dog shall retain the original Dangerous Dog Registration Certificate so long as the dangerous dog remains in his possession.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 19, eff. July 1, 2007; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 10, eff. December 18, 2012.

Statutory Authority

§ 3.2-6540 and 3.2-6542 of the Code of Virginia.