Section 970. Plan for resident emergencies and practice exercise  

Latest version.
  • A. Assisted living facilities shall have a written plan for resident emergencies that includes:

    1. Procedures for handling medical emergencies including identifying the staff person responsible for (i) calling the rescue squad, ambulance service, resident's physician, or Poison Control Center, and (ii) providing first aid and CPR, when indicated.

    2. Procedures for handling mental health emergencies such as, but not limited to, catastrophic reaction or the need for a temporary detention order.

    3. Procedures for making pertinent medical information and history available to the rescue squad and hospital, including but not limited to information on medications and any advance directives.

    4. Procedures to be followed in the event that a resident is missing, including but not limited to (i) involvement of facility staff, appropriate law-enforcement agency, and others as needed; (ii) areas to be searched; (iii) expectations upon locating the resident; and (iv) documentation of the event.

    5. Procedures for notifying the resident's family, legal representative, designated contact person, and any responsible social agency.

    6. Procedures for notifying the regional licensing office as specified in 22VAC40-72-100.

    B. At least once every six months, all staff on each shift shall participate in an exercise in which the procedures for resident emergencies are practiced. Documentation of each exercise shall be maintained in the facility for at least two years.

    C. The plan for resident emergencies shall be readily available to all staff.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 06, eff. December 28, 2006; amended, Virginia Register Volume 25, Issue 08, eff. February 5, 2009.

Statutory Authority

§§ 63.2-217 and 63.2-1732 of the Code of Virginia.