Section 730. Resident rooms  

Latest version.
  • A. The resident shall be encouraged to furnish or decorate his room as space and safety considerations permit and in accordance with this chapter.

    B. Bedrooms shall contain the following items:

    1. A separate bed with comfortable mattress, springs and pillow for each resident. Provisions for a double bed for a married couple shall be optional;

    2. A table or its equivalent accessible to each bed;

    3. An operable bed lamp or bedside light accessible to each resident;

    4. A sturdy chair for each resident (wheelchairs do not meet the intent of this standard);

    5. Drawer space for clothing and other personal items. If more than one resident occupies a room, ample drawer space shall be assigned to each individual;

    6. At least one mirror; and

    7. Window coverings for privacy.

    C. Adequate and accessible closet or wardrobe space shall be provided for each resident. As of December 28, 2006, in all buildings approved for construction of change in use and occupancy classification, the closet or wardrobe space shall be in the resident's bedroom.

    D. The facility shall have sufficient bed and bath linens in good repair so that residents always have clean:

    1. Sheets;

    2. Pillowcases;

    3. Blankets;

    4. Bedspreads;

    5. Towels;

    6. Washcloths; and

    7. Waterproof mattress covers when needed.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 06, eff. December 28, 2006.

Statutory Authority

§§ 63.2-217 and 63.2-1732 of the Code of Virginia.