Section 650. Storage of medications  

Latest version.
  • A. A medicine cabinet, container or compartment shall be used for storage of medications and dietary supplements prescribed for residents when such medications and dietary supplements are administered by the facility.

    1. The storage area shall be locked.

    2. Schedule II drugs and any other drugs subject to abuse must be kept in a separate storage compartment, e.g., a locked cabinet within a locked storage area or a locked container within a locked cabinet or cart, except when the facility uses a unit dose packaging system in which the quantity stored is minimal and a missing dose can be readily detected.

    3. The individual responsible for medication administration shall keep the keys to the storage area on his person.

    4. When in use, the storage area shall have adequate illumination in order to read container labels.

    5. The storage area shall not be located in the kitchen or bathroom, but in an area free of dampness or abnormal temperatures unless the medication requires refrigeration.

    6. When required, medications shall be refrigerated.

    a. It is permissible to store dietary supplements and foods and liquids used for medication administration in a refrigerator that is dedicated to medication storage, if the refrigerator is in a locked storage area.

    b. When it is necessary to store medications in a refrigerator that is routinely used for food storage, the medications shall be stored together in a locked container in a clearly defined area.

    B. A resident may be permitted to keep his own medication in a secure place in his room if the UAI has indicated that the resident is capable of self-administering medication. The medication and any dietary supplements shall be stored so that they are not accessible to other residents. This does not prohibit the facility from storing or administering all medication and dietary supplements.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 06, eff. December 28, 2006.

Statutory Authority

§§ 63.2-217 and 63.2-1732 of the Code of Virginia.