Section 620. Menus for meals and snacks  

Latest version.
  • A. Food preferences of residents shall be considered when menus are planned.

    B. Menus for meals and snacks for the current week shall be dated and posted in an area conspicuous to residents.

    C. Any menu substitutions or additions shall be recorded on the posted menu.

    D. A record shall be kept of the menus served for two years.

    E. Minimum daily menu.

    1. Unless otherwise ordered in writing by the resident's physician or other prescriber, the daily menu, including snacks, for each resident shall meet the current guidelines of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's food guidance system or the dietary allowances of the Food and Nutritional Board of the National Academy of Sciences, taking into consideration the age, sex and activity of the resident.

    2. Other foods may be added.

    3. Second servings and snacks shall be provided, if requested, at no additional charge.

    4. At least one meal each day shall include a hot main dish.

    F. Special diets. When a diet is prescribed for a resident by his physician or other prescriber, it shall be prepared and served according to the physician's or other prescriber's orders.

    G. There shall be on-site quarterly oversight of special diets by a dietitian or nutritionist, each of whom must meet the requirements of § 54.1-2731 of the Code of Virginia and 18VAC75-30, Regulations Governing Standards for Dietitians and Nutritionists. The quarterly oversight shall include a review of the physician's or other prescriber's order and the preparation and delivery of the special diet for each resident who has such a diet. The quarterly oversight shall also include an evaluation of the adequacy of each resident's special diet and the resident's acceptance of the diet. The dietitian or nutritionist shall provide a written report within two weeks to the facility administrator of his findings and recommendations, and include the date of the oversight, the date of the report, and his signature. The report shall be retained at the facility for at least two years. Special diets may also be referred to as medical nutrition therapy or diet therapy.

    H. A copy of a diet manual containing acceptable practices and standards for nutrition shall be kept current and on file in the dietary department.

    I. Hydration. The facility shall make drinking water readily available to all residents. Direct care staff shall know which residents need help getting water or other fluids and drinking from a cup or glass. Direct care staff shall encourage and assist residents who do not have medical conditions with physician or other prescriber ordered fluid restrictions to drink water or other beverages frequently.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 06, eff. December 28, 2006.

Statutory Authority

§§ 63.2-217 and 63.2-1732 of the Code of Virginia.