Section 580. Food service and nutrition  

Latest version.
  • A. When any portion of an assisted living facility is subject to inspection by the State Department of Health, the facility shall be in compliance with those regulations, as evidenced by an initial and subsequent annual reports from the State Department of Health. The report shall be retained at the facility for a period of at least two years.

    B. All meals shall be served in the dining area as designated by the facility, except that:

    1. If the facility, through its policies and procedures, offers routine or regular room service, residents shall be given the option of having meals in the dining area or in their rooms, provided that:

    a. There is a written agreement to this effect, signed and dated by both the resident and the licensee or administrator, and filed in the resident's record.

    b. If a resident's individualized service plan, physical examination report, mental health status report or any other document indicates that the resident has a psychiatric condition that contributes to self-isolation, a qualified mental health professional shall make a determination in writing whether the person should have the option of having meals in his room. If the determination is made that the resident should not have this option, then the resident shall have his meals in the dining area.

    2. Under special circumstances, such as temporary illness, temporary incapacity, temporary agitation of a resident with serious cognitive impairment,, or occasional, infrequent requests due to a resident's personal preference, meals may be served in a resident's room. Documentation in the resident's file will reflect these circumstances.

    3. When meals are served in a resident's room, a sturdy table must be used.

    C. Residents with independent living status who have kitchens equipped with stove, refrigerator and sink within their individual apartments may have the option of obtaining meals from the facility or from another source.

    1. The facility must have an acceptable health monitoring plan for these residents and provide meals both for other residents and for residents identified as no longer capable of maintaining independent living status.

    2. An acceptable health monitoring plan includes assurance of adequate resources, accessibility to food, a capability to prepare food, and availability of meals when the resident is sick or temporarily unable to prepare meals for himself.

    D. Personnel shall be available to help any resident who may need assistance in reaching the dining room or when eating.

    E. A minimum of 30 minutes shall be allowed for each resident to complete a meal. If a resident has been assessed on the UAI as dependent in eating/feeding, his individualized service plan shall indicate an approximate amount of time needed for meals to ensure needs are met.

    F. Facilities shall develop and implement a policy to monitor each resident's food consumption for:

    1. Warning signs of changes in physical or mental status related to nutrition; and

    2. Compliance with any needs determined by the individualized service plan or prescribed by a physician or other prescriber, nutritionist or health care professional.

    G. Facilities shall implement interventions as soon as a nutritional problem is suspected. These interventions shall include, but are not limited to the following:

    1. Weighing residents at least monthly to determine whether the resident has significant weight loss (5.0% weight loss in one month, 7.5% in three months, or 10% in six months); and

    2. Notifying the attending physician if a significant weight loss is identified in any resident who is not on a physician-approved weight reduction program, and obtain, document and follow the physician's instructions regarding nutritional care.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 06, eff. December 28, 2006.

Statutory Authority

§§ 63.2-217 and 63.2-1732 of the Code of Virginia.