Section 500. Mental health services coordination, support, and agreement  

Latest version.
  • A. For each resident requiring mental health services, the services of the local community services board, or a public or private mental health clinic, rehabilitative services agency, treatment facility or agent shall be secured as appropriate based on the resident's current evaluation.

    B. The assisted living facility shall assist the resident in obtaining the services recommended in the initial evaluation and in the progress reports.

    C. The facility shall enter into a written agreement with all providers of mental health services utilized by residents in the facility to assure that the services outlined in subsection D of this section are provided.

    1. Licensed or credentialed providers of mental health services shall include the local community services board; public or private mental health clinic, treatment facility or agent; private psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, or other qualified mental health professional.

    2. The facility shall maintain contact information for providers currently serving residents as a resource for other residents who may need mental health services.

    3. A copy of the agreement shall remain on file in the assisted living facility.

    4. If the facility is unable to secure an agreement with the mental health services provider that comports with subsection D of this section, the facility shall document the reason for the failure and all efforts made to secure the agreement.

    D. Services to be included in the agreement shall at least be the following:

    1. Diagnostic, evaluation and referral services in order to identify and meet the needs of the resident;

    2. Appropriate community-based mental health, mental retardation and substance abuse services;

    3. Services and support to meet emergency mental health needs of a resident; and

    4. Completion of written progress reports as follows:

    a. The facility shall obtain written progress reports on each resident receiving services from the local community services board, or a public or private mental health clinic, treatment facility or agent; private psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, or other qualified mental health professional.

    b. The progress reports shall be obtained at least every six months until it is stated in a report that services are no longer needed.

    c. The progress reports shall contain at a minimum:

    (1) A statement that continued services are or are not needed.

    (2) If continued services are still required, a summary of progress.

    (3) Recommendations, if any, for continued services and the expected therapeutic outcomes;

    (4) A statement that the resident's needs can continue to be met in an assisted living facility; and

    (5) A statement of any recommended services to be provided by the assisted living facility.

    d. Copies of the progress reports shall be filed in the resident's record.

    E. If the facility is unsuccessful in obtaining the recommended services, it must document:

    1. Whether it can continue to meet all other needs of the resident.

    2. How it plans to ensure that the failure to obtain the recommended services will not compromise the health, safety, or rights of the resident and others who come in contact with the resident.

    3. The offices, agencies and individuals who were contacted and explanation of outcomes.

    4. Details of additional steps the facility will take to find alternative providers to meet the resident's needs.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 06, eff. December 28, 2006.

Statutory Authority

§§ 63.2-217 and 63.2-1732 of the Code of Virginia.