Section 1080. Approval  

Latest version.
  • A. Prior to placing a resident with a serious cognitive impairment due to a primary psychiatric diagnosis of dementia in a safe, secure environment, the facility shall obtain the written approval of one of the following persons, in the following order of priority:

    1. The resident, if capable of making an informed decision;

    2. A guardian or other legal representative for the resident if one has been appointed;

    3. A relative who is willing and able to take responsibility to act as the resident's representative, in the following specified order: (i) spouse, (ii) adult child, (iii) parent, (iv) adult sibling, (v) adult grandchild, (vi) adult niece or nephew, (vii) aunt or uncle; or

    4. If the resident is not capable of making an informed decision and a guardian, legal representative or relative is unavailable, an independent physician who is skilled and knowledgeable in the diagnosis and treatment of dementia.

    B. The obtained written approval shall be retained in the resident's file.

    C. The facility shall document that the order of priority specified in subsection A of this section was followed and the documentation shall be retained in the resident's file.

    D. As soon as one of the persons in the order as prioritized above disapproves of placement or retention in the safe, secure environment, then the assisted living facility shall not place or retain the resident or prospective resident in the special care unit. If the resident is not to be retained in the unit, the discharge requirements specified in 22VAC40-72-420 apply.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 06, eff. December 28, 2006.

Statutory Authority

§§ 63.2-217 and 63.2-1732 of the Code of Virginia.