Section 610. Evening and overnight care  

Latest version.
  • A. For evening care, beds with mattresses or cots with at least one inch of dense padding shall be used by children who sleep longer than two hours and are not required to sleep in cribs.

    Exception: Camps providing evening care on an occasional basis are not required to meet the requirements of this subsection if sleeping bags or cots are used.

    B. For overnight care, beds with mattresses or cots with at least two inches of dense padding shall be used by children who are not required to sleep in cribs.

    Exception: Camps providing overnight care on an occasional basis are not required to meet the requirements of this subsection if sleeping bags or cots are used.

    C. For overnight care which occurs for a child on a weekly or more frequent basis, beds with mattresses shall be used.

    D. In addition to 22VAC40-185-450 about linens, bedding appropriate to the temperature and other conditions of the rest area shall be provided.

    E. For evening and overnight care, separate sleeping areas shall be provided for children of the opposite sex eight years of age or older.

    F. If sleeping bags are used, 22VAC40-185-440 A through E about rest furnishings shall also apply to the use of sleeping bags.

    G. Camps may use bunk beds if children are at least eight years of age.

    H. In centers providing overnight care, an operational tub or shower with heated and cold water shall be provided.

    Exception: Primitive camps are not required to have a tub or shower.

    I. When bath towels are used, they shall be assigned for individual use.

    J. Activities for children in evening or overnight care shall include, as time allows, age-appropriate activities as described in 22VAC40-185-360 through 22VAC40-185-390.

    K. Quiet activities shall be available immediately before bedtime.

    L. For children receiving evening or overnight care, the provider shall offer an evening snack.

Historical Notes

Former 22VAC15-30-670 derived from VR175-08-01 § 8.6, eff. November 1, 1993; amended, Volume 12, Issue 04, eff. March 1, 1996; Volume 14, Issue 21, eff. September 1, 1998; Volume 21, Issue 12, eff. June 1, 2005; amended and renumbered as 22VAC40-185-610, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 01, eff. November 1, 2012.

Statutory Authority

§§ 63.2-217 and 63.2-1734 of the Code of Virginia.