Section 580. Transportation and field trips  

Latest version.
  • A. If the center provides transportation, the center shall be responsible from the time the child boards the vehicle until returned to the parents or person designated by the parent.

    B. Any vehicle used by the center for the transportation of children shall meet the following requirements:

    1. The vehicle shall be manufactured for the purpose of transporting people seated in an enclosed area;

    2. The vehicle's seats shall be attached to the floor;

    3. The vehicle shall be insured with at least the minimum limits established by Virginia state statutes;

    4. The vehicle shall meet the safety standards set by the Department of Motor Vehicles and shall be kept in satisfactory condition to assure the safety of children; and

    5. If volunteers supply personal vehicles, the center is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this subsection are met.

    C. The center shall ensure that during transportation of children:

    1. Virginia state statutes about safety belts and child restraints are followed and stated maximum number of passengers in a given vehicle shall not be exceeded;

    2. The children remain seated and each child's arms, legs, and head remain inside the vehicle;

    3. Doors are closed properly and locked unless locks were not installed by the manufacturer of the vehicle;

    4. At least one staff member or the driver always remains in the vehicle when children are present;

    5. The following information is in transportation vehicles:

    a. Emergency numbers as specified in 22VAC40-185-550 F and H;

    b. The center's name, address, and phone number; and

    c. A list of the names of the children being transported.

    D. When entering and leaving vehicles, children shall enter and leave the vehicle from the curb side of the vehicle or in a protected parking area or driveway.

    E. Children shall cross streets at corners or crosswalks or other designated safe crossing point if no corner or crosswalk is available.

    F. The staff-to-children ratios of 22VAC40-185-350 E, G, and H shall be followed on all field trips. The staff-to-children ratios need not be followed during transportation of school age children to and from the center. One staff member or adult is necessary in addition to the driver when 16 or more preschool or younger children are being transported in the vehicle.

    G. The center shall make provisions for providing children on field trips with adequate food and water.

    H. If perishable food is taken on field trips, the food shall be stored in insulated containers with ice packs to keep the food cold.

    I. Before leaving on a field trip, a schedule of the trip's events and locations shall be posted and visible at the center site.

    J. There shall be a communication plan between center staff and staff who are transporting children or on a field trip.

    K. Staff shall verify that all children have been removed from the vehicle at the conclusion of any trip.

    L. Parental permission for transportation and field trips shall be secured before the scheduled activity.

    M. If a blanket permission is used instead of a separate written permission, the following shall apply:

    1. Parents shall be notified of the field trip; and

    2. Parents shall be given the opportunity to withdraw their children from the field trip.

Historical Notes

Former 22VAC15-30-640 derived from VR175-08-01 § 8.3, eff. November 1, 1993; amended, Volume 12, Issue 04, eff. March 1, 1996; Volume 14, Issue 21, eff. September 1, 1998; Volume 21, Issue 12, eff. June 1, 2005; amended and renumbered as 22VAC40-185-580, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 01, eff. November 1, 2012.

Statutory Authority

§§ 63.2-217 and 63.2-1734 of the Code of Virginia.