Section 550. Procedures for emergencies  

Latest version.
  • A. The center shall have an emergency preparedness plan that addresses staff responsibility and facility readiness with respect to emergency evacuation and shelter-in-place. The plan, which shall be developed in consultation with local or state authorities, addresses the most likely to occur emergency scenario or scenarios, including but not limited to natural disaster, chemical spills, intruder, and terrorism specific to the locality.

    B. The emergency preparedness plan shall contain procedural components for:

    1. Sounding of alarms (intruder, shelter-in-place such as for tornado, or chemical hazard);

    2. Emergency communication to include:

    a. Establishment of center emergency officer and back-up officer to include 24-hour contact telephone number for each;

    b. Notification of local authorities (fire and rescue, law enforcement, emergency medical services, poison control, health department, etc.), parents, and local media; and

    c. Availability and primary use of communication tools;

    3. Evacuation to include:

    a. Assembly points, head counts, primary and secondary means of egress, and complete evacuation of the buildings;

    b. Securing of essential documents (sign-in record, parent contact information, etc.) and special healthcare supplies to be carried off-site on immediate notice; and

    c. Method of communication after the evacuation;

    4. Shelter-in-place to include:

    a. Scenario applicability, inside assembly points, head counts, primary and secondary means of access and egress;

    b. Securing essential documents (sign-in records, parent contact information, etc.) and special health supplies to be carried into the designated assembly points; and

    c. Method of communication after the shelter-in-place;

    5. Facility containment procedures, (e.g., closing of fire doors or other barriers) and shelter-in-place scenario (e.g., intruders, tornado, or chemical spills);

    6. Staff training requirement, drill frequency, and plan review and update; and

    7. Other special procedures developed with local authorities.

    C. Emergency evacuation and shelter-in-place procedures/maps shall be posted in a location conspicuous to staff and children on each floor of each building.

    D. The center shall implement a monthly practice evacuation drill and a minimum of two shelter-in-place practice drills per year for the most likely to occur scenarios.

    E. The center shall maintain a record of the dates of the practice drills for one year. For centers offering multiple shifts, the simulated drills shall be divided evenly among the various shifts.

    F. A 911 or local dial number for police, fire and emergency medical services and the number of the regional poison control center shall be posted in a visible place at each telephone.

    G. Each camp location shall have an emergency preparedness plan and warning system.

    H. The center shall prepare a document containing local emergency contact information, potential shelters, hospitals, evacuation routes, etc., that pertain to each site frequently visited or of routes frequently driven by center staff for center business (such as field trips, pick-up/drop off of children to or from schools, etc.). This document must be kept in vehicles that centers use to transport children to and from the center.

    I. Parents shall be informed of the center's emergency preparedness plan.

    J. Based on local authorities and documented normal ambulance operation, if an ambulance service is not readily accessible within 10 to 15 minutes, other transportation shall be available for use in case of emergency.

    K. The center or other appropriate official shall notify the parent immediately if a child is lost, requires emergency medical treatment or sustains a serious injury.

    L. The center shall notify the parent by the end of the day of any known minor injuries.

    M. The center shall maintain a written record of children's serious and minor injuries in which entries are made the day of occurrence. The record shall include the following:

    1. Date and time of injury;

    2. Name of injured child;

    3. Type and circumstance of the injury;

    4. Staff present and treatment;

    5. Date and time when parents were notified;

    6. Any future action to prevent recurrence of the injury;

    7. Staff and parent signatures or two staff signatures; and

    8. Documentation on how parent was notified.

Historical Notes

Former 22VAC15-30-610 derived from VR175-08-01 § 7.5, eff. November 1, 1993; amended, Volume 12, Issue 04, eff. March 1, 1996; Volume 14, Issue 21, eff. September 1, 1998; Volume 21, Issue 12, eff. June 1, 2005; amended and renumbered as 22VAC40-185-550, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 01, eff. November 1, 2012.

Statutory Authority

§§ 63.2-217 and 63.2-1734 of the Code of Virginia.