Chapter 185. Chapter 185  

Section 10. Definitions
Section 20. Legal base
Section 30. Purpose and applicability
Section 40. Operational responsibilities
Section 50. General recordkeeping; reports
Section 60. Children's records
Section 70. Staff records
Section 80. Attendance records; reports
Section 90. Parental agreements
Section 100. Enrollment procedures of therapeutic child day programs and special needs child day programs
Section 110. Individual assessment for therapeutic child day programs
Section 120. Individual service, education or treatment plan for therapeutic child day programs
Section 130. Immunizations for children
Section 140. Physical examinations for children
Section 150. Form and content of immunizations and physical examination reports for children
Section 160. Tuberculosis screening for staff and independent contractors
Section 170. Physical and mental health of staff and volunteers
Section 180. General qualifications
Section 190. Program director qualifications
Section 200. Program directors and back-up for program directors
Section 210. Program leader qualifications
Section 220. Aides
Section 230. Independent contractors; volunteers
Section 240. Staff training and development
Section 250. Approval from other agencies; requirements prior to initial licensure
Section 260. Approval from other agencies; requirements subsequent to initial licensure
Section 270. Building maintenance
Section 280. Hazardous substances and other harmful agents
Section 290. General physical plant requirements for centers serving children of preschool age or younger
Section 300. General physical plant requirements for centers serving school age children
Section 310. Areas
Section 320. Restroom areas and furnishings
Section 330. Play areas
Section 340. Supervision of children
Section 350. Staff-to-children ratio requirements
Section 360. Daily activities
Section 370. Daily activities for infants
Section 380. Daily activities for toddlers and preschoolers
Section 390. Daily activities for school age children
Section 400. Behavioral guidance
Section 410. Forbidden actions
Section 420. Parental involvement
Section 430. Equipment and materials
Section 440. Cribs, cots, rest mats, and beds
Section 450. Linens
Section 460. Swimming and wading activities; staff and supervision
Section 470. Pools and equipment
Section 480. Swimming and wading; general
Section 490. Preventing the spread of disease
Section 500. Hand washing and toileting procedures
Section 510. Medication
Section 520. Over-the-counter skin products
Section 530. First aid training, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and rescue breathing
Section 540. First aid and emergency supplies
Section 550. Procedures for emergencies
Section 560. Nutrition and food services
Section 570. Special feeding needs
Section 580. Transportation and field trips
Section 590. Transportation for nonambulatory children
Section 600. Animals and pets
Section 610. Evening and overnight care
Appendix 9998. FORMS (22VAC40-185)