Section 80. Denials, revocations, refusals to renew and provider appeals procedures  

Latest version.
  • A. A provider's certificate of registration may be denied, revoked, or refused renewal by the commissioner for cause including, but not limited to:

    1. Failure to comply with adult-child ratios, staffing requirements, or other standards set forth in the Requirements for Providers;

    2. Use of fraud in obtaining a certificate of registration or in the subsequent operations of the family day home;

    3. Any conduct or activity which adversely affects or presents a serious hazard to the health, safety, and general well-being of an enrolled child, or which otherwise demonstrates unfitness by a provider to operate a family day care home;

    4. Refusal to furnish the contracting organization or the department with records;

    5. Refusal to permit immediate admission to the family day home to the parent of an enrolled child who is present in the home or to an authorized representative of the contracting organization or department when any enrolled child is present; or

    6. Documentation maintained by a contracting organization or the department that a certificate of registration has been denied, revoked, or refused renewal by the commissioner to the provider during the six months prior to the date an application is resubmitted for a certificate of registration.

    B. When a provider is found to be in violation of any of the provisions of subsection A of this section, the contracting organization shall notify the provider of the violation or violations first orally and then in writing, and, when appropriate, shall afford the provider an opportunity to abate the violation or violations within a timeframe agreed upon by the contracting organization and the provider. The provider shall immediately abate the violation or violations in situations where children are at risk of abuse or neglect or serious harm or injury.

    C. If the provider fails to abate the violation or violations within the agreed upon timeframe or commits a subsequent violation, the contracting organization may recommend to the commissioner that the certificate of registration be denied, revoked, or refused renewal. A statement referencing the standard or standards violated shall be included with the recommendation.

    D. Upon notification of the contracting organization's intent to recommend that a certificate of registration be denied, revoked, or refused renewal, a provider may request a review in writing by the contracting organization's review committee within 15 calendar days after receipt of notification.

    E. The contracting organization shall submit its recommendation of the provider's eligibility for issuance of a certificate of registration to the commissioner's designee. If a certificate of registration is denied, revoked or refused renewal by the commissioner's designee, the provider may appeal the decision in accordance with the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) and may request a hearing in writing within 15 calendar days after receipt of notification of the decision.

    F. After the hearing, the commissioner shall issue the final order, which may be appealed in accordance with the Administrative Process Act.

    G. A provider whose certificate of registration is revoked or refused renewal shall notify the parent or parents of each child enrolled within 10 calendar days after receipt of notification of such action.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR615-35-01 § 2.6, eff. July 1, 1993; amended, Volume 33, Issue 02, eff. October 19, 2016.

Statutory Authority

§§ 63.2-217 and 63.2-1704 of the Code of Virginia.