Agency 20. Department for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing  

Chapter 10. Public Participation Guidelines (Repealed)
Chapter 11. Public Participation Guidelines
Chapter 20. Regulations Governing Eligibility Standards and Application Procedures for Thedistribution of Assistive Technology Equipment
Chapter 30. Regulations Governing Interpreter Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing



The Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is authorized to establish and maintain lists of qualified interpreters for the deaf and hard of hearing to be available to the courts, state and local legislative bodies, public and private agencies, and persons who are deaf or hard of hearing. The department is authorized to operate a program of technology assistance and services to encourage independence of persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired, including the distribution of devices for the deaf and support of message relay services. The department is authorized to adopt regulations as may be necessary to carry out such purposes. Code of Virginia, Title 51.5, Chapter 13.

In a state agency proceeding involving a person who is deaf or hard of hearing, the agency or person may request the department to appoint a qualified interpreter or the agency itself may appoint an interpreter from the department's list. Code of Virginia, Title 2.2, Chapter 34.

The department operates under the supervision of the Secretary of Health and Human Resources. Regulations may be obtained from the department at 1602 Rolling Hills Drive, Suite 203, Richmond, VA 23229-5012. Internet address:

Rev. 10/2014


The Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is authorized to establish and maintain lists of qualified interpreters for the deaf and hard of hearing to be available to the courts, state and local legislative bodies, public and private agencies, and persons who are deaf or hard of hearing. The department is authorized to operate a program of technology assistance and services to encourage independence of persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired, including the distribution of devices for the deaf and support of message relay services. The department is authorized to adopt regulations as may be necessary to carry out such purposes. Code of Virginia, Title 51.5, Chapter 13.

In a state agency proceeding involving a person who is deaf or hard of hearing, the agency or person may request the department to appoint a qualified interpreter or the agency itself may appoint an interpreter from the department's list. Code of Virginia, Title 2.2, Chapter 34.

The department operates under the supervision of the Secretary of Health and Human Resources. Regulations may be obtained from the department at 1602 Rolling Hills Drive, Suite 203, Richmond, VA 23229-5012. Internet address:

Rev. 10/2014