Section 930. Emergency preparedness and response plan  

Latest version.
  • Part IX. Emergency Preparedness

    A. The facility shall develop a written emergency preparedness and response plan that shall address:

    1. Documentation of contact with the local emergency coordinator to determine (i) local disaster risks, (ii) communitywide plans to address different disasters and emergency situations, and (iii) assistance, if any, that the local emergency management office will provide to the facility in an emergency.

    2. Analysis of the facility's potential hazards, including severe weather, fire, loss of utilities, flooding, work place violence or terrorism, severe injuries, or other emergencies that would disrupt normal operation of the facility.

    3. Written emergency management policies outlining specific responsibilities for provision of:

    a. Administrative direction and management of response activities;

    b. Coordination of logistics during the emergency;

    c. Communications;

    d. Life safety of residents, staff, volunteers, and visitors;

    e. Property protection;

    f. Continued provision of services to residents;

    g. Community resource accessibility; and

    h. Recovery and restoration.

    4. Written emergency response procedures for assessing the situation; protecting residents, staff, volunteers, visitors, equipment, medications, and vital records; and restoring services. Emergency procedures shall address:

    a. Alerting emergency personnel and facility staff;

    b. Warning and notification of residents, including sounding of alarms when appropriate;

    c. Providing emergency access to secure areas and opening locked doors;

    d. Conducting evacuations and sheltering in place, as appropriate, and accounting for all residents;

    e. Locating and shutting off utilities when necessary;

    f. Maintaining and operating emergency equipment effectively and safely;

    g. Communicating with staff and community emergency responders during the emergency; and

    h. Conducting relocations to emergency shelters or alternative sites when necessary and accounting for all residents.

    5. Supporting documents that would be needed in an emergency, including emergency call lists, building and site maps necessary to shut off utilities, memoranda of understanding with relocation sites, and list of major resources such as suppliers of emergency equipment.

    B. Staff and volunteers shall be knowledgeable in and prepared to implement the emergency preparedness plan in the event of an emergency.

    C. The facility shall develop and implement an orientation and quarterly review on the emergency preparedness and response plan for all staff, residents, and volunteers. The orientation and review shall cover responsibilities for:

    1. Alerting emergency personnel and sounding alarms;

    2. Implementing evacuation, shelter in place, and relocation procedures;

    3. Using, maintaining, and operating emergency equipment;

    4. Accessing emergency medical information, equipment, and medications for residents;

    5. Locating and shutting off utilities; and

    6. Utilizing community support services.

    D. The facility shall review the emergency preparedness plan annually or more often as needed and make necessary revisions. Such revisions shall be communicated to staff, residents, and volunteers and incorporated into the orientation and quarterly review for staff, residents, and volunteers.

    E. In the event of a disaster, fire, emergency or any other condition that may jeopardize the health, safety and welfare of residents, the facility shall take appropriate action to protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents and take appropriate actions to remedy the conditions as soon as possible.

    F. After the disaster/emergency is stabilized, the facility shall:

    1. Notify family members and legal representatives; and

    2. Report the disaster/emergency to the regional licensing office by the next working day as specified in 22VAC40-72-100.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 06, eff. December 28, 2006; amended, Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 01, eff. November 1, 2007; Volume 25, Issue 08, eff. February 5, 2009.

Statutory Authority

§§ 63.2-217 and 63.2-1732 of the Code of Virginia.