Section 890. Toilet, face/hand washing and bathing facilities  

Latest version.
  • A. In determining the number of toilets, face/hand washing sinks, bathtubs or showers required, the total number of persons residing on the premises shall be considered. Unless there are separate facilities for household members or staff, they shall be counted in determining the required number of fixtures, except that for bathtubs or showers, the staff count shall include only live-in staff.

    1. As of December 28, 2006, in all buildings approved for construction or change in use and occupancy classification, as referenced in the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (13VAC5-63), on each floor where there are residents' bedrooms, there shall be:

    a. At least one toilet for each four persons, or portion thereof;

    b. At least one face/hand washing sink for each four persons, or portion thereof;

    c. At least one bathtub or shower for each seven persons, or portion thereof;

    d. Toilets, face/hand washing sinks and bathtubs or showers in separate rooms for men and women where more than four persons live on a floor. Bathrooms equipped to accommodate more than one person at a time shall be labeled by gender. Gender designation of bathrooms shall remain constant during the course of a day.

    2. Unless the provisions of subdivision 1 of this subsection apply, on each floor where there are residents' bedrooms, there shall be:

    a. At least one toilet for each seven persons, or portion thereof;

    b. At least one face/hand washing sink for each seven persons, or portion thereof;

    c. At least one bathtub or shower for each 10 persons, or portion thereof;

    d. Toilets, face/hand washing sinks and bathtubs or showers in separate rooms for men and women where more than seven persons live on a floor. Bathrooms equipped to accommodate more than one person at a time shall be labeled by gender. Gender designation of bathrooms shall remain constant during the course of a day.

    3. As of December 28, 2006, in all buildings approved for construction or change in use and occupancy classification, as referenced in the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (13VAC5-63), when residents' rooms are located on the same floor as the main living or dining area, in addition to the requirements of subdivision 1 of this subsection, there shall be at least one more toilet and face/hand washing sink, which is available for common use. The provisions of subdivision 4 c of this subsection shall also apply.

    4. On floors used by residents where there are no residents' bedrooms there shall be:

    a. At least one toilet;

    b. At least one face/hand washing sink;

    c. Toilets and face/hand washing sinks in separate rooms for men and women in facilities where there are 10 or more residents. Bathrooms equipped to accommodate more than one person at a time shall be designated by gender. Gender designation of bathrooms must remain constant during the course of a day.

    B. Bathrooms shall provide for privacy for such activities as bathing, toileting, and dressing.

    C. There shall be ventilation to the outside in order to eliminate foul odors.

    D. The following sturdy safeguards shall be provided, with installation in compliance with the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (13VAC5-63):

    1. Handrails by bathtubs;

    2. Grab bars by toilets; and

    3. Handrails inside and stools available to stall showers.

    EXCEPTION: These safeguards shall be optional for individuals with independent living status.

    E. Bathtubs and showers shall have nonskid surfacing or strips.

    F. The face/hand washing sink shall be in the same room as the toilet or in an adjacent private area that is not part of a common use area of the assisted living facility.

    G. The assisted living facility shall provide private or common-use toilet, face/hand washing and bathing facilities to meet the needs of each resident.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 06, eff. December 28, 2006.

Statutory Authority

§§ 63.2-217 and 63.2-1732 of the Code of Virginia.