Section 390. Resident agreement with facility  

Latest version.
  • A. At or prior to the time of admission, there shall be a written agreement/acknowledgment of notification dated and signed by the resident/applicant for admission or the appropriate legal representative, and by the licensee or administrator. This document shall include the following:

    1. Financial arrangement for accommodations, services and care that specifies:

    a. Listing of specific charges for accommodations, services, and care to be made to the individual resident signing the agreement, the frequency of payment, and any rules relating to nonpayment;

    b. Description of all accommodations, services, and care that the facility offers and any related charges;

    c. The amount and purpose of an advance payment or deposit payment and the refund policy for such payment;

    d. The policy with respect to increases in charges and length of time for advance notice of intent to increase charges;

    e. If the ownership of any personal property, real estate, money or financial investments is to be transferred to the facility at the time of admission or at some future date, it shall be stipulated in the agreement; and

    f. The refund policy to apply when transfer of ownership, closing of facility, or resident transfer or discharge occurs.

    2. Requirements or rules to be imposed regarding resident conduct and other restrictions or special conditions and signed acknowledgment that they have been reviewed by the resident or his legal representative.

    3. Those actions, circumstances, or conditions that would result or might result in the resident's discharge from the facility.

    4. Acknowledgment that the resident or his legal representative has been informed of the policy regarding the amount of notice required when a resident wishes to move from the facility.

    5. Acknowledgment that the resident has been informed that interested residents may establish and maintain a resident council, that the facility is responsible for providing assistance with the formation and maintenance of the council, whether or not such a council currently exists in the facility, and the general purpose of a resident council as described in 22VAC40-72-810.

    6. Acknowledgment that the resident has been notified in writing whether or not the facility maintains liability insurance that provides at least the minimum amount of coverage established by the board for disclosure purposes set forth in 22VAC40-72-57 to compensate residents or other individuals for injuries and losses from negligent acts of the facility. The facility shall state in the notification the minimum amount of coverage established by the board in 22VAC40-72-57. The written notification must be on a form developed by the department.

    7. Acknowledgment that the resident or his legal representative or responsible individual as stipulated in 22VAC40-72-550 G has reviewed a copy of § 63.2-1808 of the Code of Virginia, Rights and Responsibilities of Residents of Assisted Living Facilities, and that the provisions of this statute have been explained to him.

    8. Acknowledgment that the resident or his legal representative or responsible individual as stipulated in 22VAC40-72-550 G has reviewed and had explained to him the facility's policies and procedures for implementing § 63.2-1808 of the Code of Virginia, including the grievance policy and the transfer/discharge policy.

    9. Acknowledgment that the resident has been informed of the policy required by 22VAC40-72-840 J regarding weapons.

    10. Acknowledgment that the resident has been informed of the bed hold policy in case of temporary transfer or movement from the facility, if the facility has such a policy.

    11. Acknowledgment that the resident has been informed of the rules and restrictions regarding smoking on the premises of the facility, including but not limited to that which is required by 22VAC40-72-800.

    12. Acknowledgment that the resident has been informed of the policy regarding the administration and storage of medications and dietary supplements.

    13. Acknowledgment that the resident has received written assurance that the facility has the appropriate license to meet his care needs at the time of admission, as required by 22VAC40-72-340 D.

    B. Copies of the signed agreement/acknowledgment of notification shall be provided to the resident and as appropriate, his legal representative and shall be retained in the resident's record.

    C. The original agreement shall be updated whenever there are changes in financial arrangements, accommodations, services, care provided by the facility, requirements governing the resident's conduct, or liability insurance disclosure notification, and signed by the licensee or administrator and the resident or his legal representative. If the original agreement provides for specific changes in any of these items, this standard does not apply to those changes.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 06, eff. December 28, 2006; amended, Virginia Register Volume 25, Issue 08, eff. February 5, 2009; Volume 32, Issue 26, eff. November 15, 2016.

Statutory Authority

§§ 63.2-217 and 63.2-1732 of the Code of Virginia.