Section 20. Describing background checks  

Latest version.
  • A. The background checks covered by this regulation are:

    1. Sworn statement or affirmation;

    2. Criminal history record check;

    3. National criminal background check; and

    4. Central registry search.

    B. The provisions for background checks are in §§ 63.2-1704, 63.2-1720, 63.2-1721, 63.2-1722, 63.2-1724, and 63.2-1727 of the Code of Virginia.

    C. Provisions for enforcement of background check regulations and other licensing, registration, and approval standards are in Chapter 17 (§ 63.2-1700 et seq.) of Title 63.2 of the Code of Virginia.

    D. The sworn statement or affirmation is a written document in which a person must disclose any criminal conviction and any pending criminal charges within or outside Virginia.

    1. For the purposes of this regulation, conviction includes any juvenile conviction or determination of delinquency if the offense involved would be a felony if committed by an adult within or outside Virginia.

    2. The person must also disclose any instance of being the subject of a founded complaint of child abuse or neglect within or outside Virginia.

    3. The person must use either the model form prepared by the department or use a self-created form that includes all of the information that appears on the model form.

    The department provides the model sworn statement or affirmation form on its website. Requesters are permitted to submit copies of the form. The person who signs the sworn statement or affirmation affirms the truth of the statement.

    E. The criminal history record check is the process of the Department of State Police to generate a criminal record report on a person. The report must be either the criminal record clearance or the criminal history record. The criminal record clearance shows whether the person is guilty of:

    1. A barrier crime, as defined in § 63.2-1719 of the Code of Virginia; and/or

    2. Any other felony not included in the definition of barrier crime unless five years have elapsed since the conviction.

    The criminal history record report shows all convictions.

    F. The person must use the form and process of the Central Criminal Records Exchange (CCRE) of the Department of State Police for this check. The Department of State Police provides original criminal history record check forms to facilities upon receipt of request. The Department of State Police also provides website access to this form for facilities that are noncriminal justice inquiry interface users. The CCRE verifies criminal history record reports.

    G. The national criminal background check is the process of obtaining criminal history record information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation through the Central Criminal Records Exchange.

    1. The person must submit to fingerprinting and provide personal descriptive information.

    2. The person must use the process of the Central Criminal Records Exchange to request and receive a national criminal background check.

    H. The search of the central registry is a check to determine if the person has ever been the subject of a founded complaint of child abuse or neglect in Virginia.

    I. The person must use the form and process of the department's Office of Background Investigations (OBI). The department provides the central registry request form on its website. Requesters are permitted to submit copies of this form. OBI verifies child protective services central registry check findings.

    The department and registering and approval agencies provide copies of all forms in application packets.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 20, Issue 11, eff. April 1, 2004; Errata, 20:12 VA.R. 1526 February 23, 2004; amended, Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 22, eff. September 1, 2006; Volume 30, Issue 03, eff. December 1, 2013.

Statutory Authority

§§ 63.2-217 and 63.2-901.1 of the Code of Virginia.