Section 380. Daily activities for toddlers and preschoolers  

Latest version.
  • A. There shall be a posted daily schedule that allows for flexibility as children's needs require. The daily schedule need not apply on days occupied a majority of the time by a field trip or other special event. The daily schedule shall include opportunities for:

    1. Outdoor activity, weather and air quality allowing, for at least:

    a. Fifteen minutes per day or session if the center operates up to three hours per day or session;

    b. Thirty minutes per day or session if the center operates between three and five hours per day or session; or

    c. One hour per day or session if the center operates more than five hours per day or session.

    2. Sleep or rest.

    a. Centers operating five or more hours per day shall have a designated rest period for at least one hour but no more than two hours.

    (1) Cribs, cots, beds, or mats shall be used.

    (2) After the first 30 minutes, children not sleeping may engage in quiet activities.

    b. A child who falls asleep in a place other than his designated sleeping location may remain in that space if comfortable and safe.

    c. Sleeping toddlers shall be individually checked every 30 minutes.

    3. Meals and snacks as specified in 22VAC40-185-560 and 22VAC40-185-570.

    4. Small and large motor activities, language and communication experiences, sensory experiences, art or music activities, and play acting or social living.

    B. Staff shall encourage language development by having conversations with children that give them time to initiate and respond, by labeling and describing objects and events, having storytelling time and by expanding the children's vocabulary.

Historical Notes

Former 22VAC15-30-471 derived from Volume 14, Issue 21, eff. September 1, 1998; amended, Virginia Register Volume 21, Issue 12, eff. June 1, 2005; amended and renumbered as 22VAC40-185-380, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 01, eff. November 1, 2012.

Statutory Authority

§§ 63.2-217 and 63.2-1734 of the Code of Virginia.