Chapter 309. Rules for Enforcement of the Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act  

Section 10. Purpose
Section 15. Definitions
Section 20. Report of probable violations
Section 30. Commission staff investigation of probable violations
Section 40. Advisory Committee review of probable violations
Section 50. Commission action
Section 60. Civil penalties
Section 70. Petition for reconsideration
Section 80. Appeals generally
Section 90. Emergency excavation or demolition
Section 100. Marking of underground utility lines
Section 110. General marking requirements
Section 120. Notification of clear evidence
Section 130. Notification center data update
Section 140. Excavator's responsibilities to avoid damage, dislocating or disturbances of utility lines
Section 150. Requirement for trenchless excavation
Section 160. Operator's responsibilities to maintain accurate records
Section 165. Operator's responsibility for abandoned utility lines
Section 170. Responsibility to protect and preserve marking
Section 180. Excavator site inspection
Section 190. Delineating specific location of a proposed excavation or demolition
Section 200. Reporting damage by calling 911
Section 205. Commission authority