Section 110. Initial and final bills  

Latest version.
  • 1. Initial and final bills shall be rendered for the number of energy units actually consumed in the initial and final billing periods.

    2. On the date possession is taken by a tenant of a dwelling or nonresidential rental unit, an initial reading will be taken from the submetering or energy allocation equipment serving such dwelling or nonresidential rental unit to commence service to that tenant. The initial reading will be subtracted from the next reading of the equipment taken on the regularly scheduled monthly reading dates on which other submetering or energy allocation equipment in the building is read, to determine the consumption during the initial billing period. The energy units consumed as determined in the above manner will be multiplied times the average energy unit cost which is determined for the computation of bills for all other tenants for the period ending with the regularly scheduled reading date of that month.

    3. On the date a tenant gives up possession of a dwelling or nonresidential rental unit, a final reading will be taken from the submeter equipment serving such unit to terminate service to the tenant. The reading of the equipment taken on the last previous regularly scheduled monthly reading dates on which other submetering or energy allocation equipment in the building was last read will be subtracted from the final reading to determine the consumption during the final billing period. The energy units consumed or determined in the above manner will be multiplied times the average energy unit cost which is determined for the computation of bills for all other tenants for the regularly scheduled monthly reading date after the final reading. If the owner and tenant so agree in writing, the owner may use the average energy unit cost from the previous month when determining the amount due for the last month of tenancy.

    The provisions in this section shall only be applicable to apartment houses, office buildings, and shopping centers. Bills for campgrounds shall be rendered as set forth in 20VAC5-305-95.

Historical Notes

Derived from Case No. PUE920067 §I, eff. July 1, 1993; amended, Volume 29, Issue 10, eff. January 1, 2013.

Statutory Authority

§§ 12.1-13 and 56-245.3 of the Code of Virginia.