Section 20. Promotional allowances prohibited for ratemaking  

Latest version.
  • Except as provided for under 20VAC5-303-30, no electric or gas utility shall give or offer to give any payment, subsidy or allowance, directly or indirectly. or through a third party, to influence the installation, sale, purchase, or use of any appliance or equipment.

    No electric utility shall give or offer to give any monetary or other allowance or credits based on anticipated revenues for the installation of underground service. Schedules of charges for underground service based on revenue-cost ratios or cost differentials shall be filed with the Commission.

Historical Notes

Derived from Case No. PUE900070 §II, eff. March 27, 1992.

Statutory Authority

§§ 56-235.1 and 56-235.2 of the Code of Virginia.