Section 70. Price and non-price factors  

Latest version.
  • The price and non-price factors selected for evaluation and the weightings attached to each can reasonably vary from utility to utility. However, the following factors must be considered for each project.

    1. Level and schedule of required capacity and energy payments;

    2. Status of project development;

    3. Demonstrated financial viability of the project and the developer;

    4. A developer's prior experience in the field;

    5. System fuel diversity;

    6. Dispatchability;

    7. Project location and effect on the transmission grid;

    8. Efficiencies of joint production of electricity and steam inherent in the cogeneration process;

    9. Use of Virginia fuels, manpower and other state resources;

    10. Benefits to be derived by the industries and communities associated with particular projects; and

    11. Environmental impact.

Historical Notes

Derived from Case No. PUE900029, eff. November 28, 1990.

Statutory Authority

§§ 56-234.3, 56-234.4, 56-235.1 and 56-249 of the Code of Virginia.