Section 10. Purpose and scope  

Latest version.
  • The purpose of these rules is to establish minimum requirements for any electric utility bidding program that is used to purchase electric capacity and energy from other power suppliers. The rules apply to any investor-owned electric utility or cooperative operating in Virginia that chooses to establish a bidding program. Although these rules are equally applicable to cooperatives, the differences between investor-owned electric utilities and cooperatives are recognized. Those differences, including size, needs, control and the relationship with Old Dominion Electric Cooperative for centralized planning and power acquisition functions, can be readily accommodated within the parameters of these rules.

    Electric utilities maintain the right to establish a bidding program or secure electric capacity and energy through other means. If a bidding program is developed, the responsibilities of developing requests for proposals, evaluating bids and negotiating and enforcing contracts lies with the utility.

    A utility may file for exemptions from any or all of these bidding program requirements. In making its decision regarding exemptions, the Commission will consider the size of the utility's operations in Virginia and the requirements of other regulatory bodies having jurisdiction over the utility.

Historical Notes

Derived from Case No. PUE900029, eff. November 28, 1990.

Statutory Authority

§§ 56-234.3, 56-234.4, 56-235.1 and 56-249 of the Code of Virginia.