Chapter 20. Commonwealth of Virginia Health Benefits Program  

Section 10. [Repealed]
Section 20. Definitions
Section 30. Designee and delegations of authority
Section 40. [Repealed]
Section 50. [Repealed]
Section 60. Types of plans
Section 70. Procurement
Section 80. Plan assets
Section 90. Appeals
Section 100. No presumption of right
Section 110. Authority to withhold revenues
Section 120. [Repealed]
Section 130. Develop health benefits program
Section 140. Underwriting
Section 150. Employer application
Section 160. Establishing contribution rates and accounting for contributions and claims
Section 170. Information to local employers
Section 180. Information to local employees
Section 190. Confidentiality
Section 200. Reports
Section 210. Oversight
Section 220. Eligible employers
Section 230. Entrance into the health benefits program
Section 240. Payment of contributions
Section 250. Enrollment
Section 260. Minimum local employer contributions
Section 270. Selection of plans
Section 280. Commencement of local employer participation
Section 290. Reparticipation of local employers
Section 300. Ceasing participation in the health benefits program
Section 310. Compliance
Section 320. Eligible employees
Section 330. Enrollment form or enrollment action
Section 340. Payment of contributions
Section 350. Membership
Section 360. Choice of plans
Section 370. Effective date of coverage
Section 380. Leave of absence
Section 390. Termination of coverage
Section 400. Termination of employment
Section 410. Suspension and reinstatement of state employees
Section 420. [Repealed]
Section 430. Coordination of benefits
Section 440. Claims
Section 450. Basic plan
Section 460. Alternative health benefit plans
Section 470. Benefits coverage
Section 480. Department discretion
Appendix 9998. FORMS (1VAC55-20)