Section 60. Review of supplemental questions  

Latest version.
  • A. If the applicant answers the questions asked pursuant to 1VAC20-40-50 with information sufficient to assign him a polling place within the precinct and to cancel his current registration elsewhere, if any, the applicant shall be registered and added to the voting rolls of the locality and the jurisdiction where the voter was previously registered shall be notified to remove the registrant from their rolls.

    B. If the applicant does not provide information sufficient to assign him a polling place within the precinct, the application shall be denied.

    C. If the applicant indicates that the application was in error or filed incorrectly the registrar shall provide him voting information that could allow the applicant to register or vote absentee in the Commonwealth.

    D. No new or changed voter registration application is effective until an applicant provides answers to the supplemental questions. Any such answers must be in writing and must be returned before the last day to register as established in § 24.2-416 of the Code of Virginia. Any supplemental information based upon an application made prior to the close of books shall be accepted and the applicant registered if the response is received before the last day to register as established in § 24.2-416 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 28, Issue 04, eff. October 13, 2011.

Statutory Authority

§ 24.2-103 of the Code of Virginia.