Section 280. Administration of minimal sedation (anxiolysis or inhalation analgesia)  

Latest version.
  • A. Education and training requirements. A dentist who utilizes minimal sedation shall have training in and knowledge of:

    1. Medications used, the appropriate dosages, the potential complications of administration, the indicators for complications, and the interventions to address the complications.

    2. Physiological effects of nitrous oxide, potential complications of administration, the indicators for complications, and the interventions to address the complications.

    3. The use and maintenance of the equipment required in subsection D of this section.

    B. No sedating medication shall be prescribed for or administered to a patient 12 years of age or younger prior to his arrival at the dental office or treatment facility.

    C. Delegation of administration.

    1. A qualified dentist may administer or use the services of the following personnel to administer minimal sedation:

    a. A dentist;

    b. An anesthesiologist;

    c. A certified registered nurse anesthetist under his medical direction and indirect supervision;

    d. A dental hygienist with the training required by 18VAC60-25-90 B or C only for administration of nitrous oxide/oxygen and under indirect supervision; or

    e. A registered nurse upon his direct instruction and under immediate supervision.

    2. Preceding the administration of minimal sedation, a dentist may use the services of the following personnel working under indirect supervision to administer local anesthesia to numb an injection or treatment site:

    a. A dental hygienist with the training required by 18VAC60-25-90 C to parenterally administer Schedule VI local anesthesia to persons 18 years of age or older; or

    b. A dental hygienist, dental assistant, registered nurse, or licensed practical nurse to administer Schedule VI topical oral anesthetics.

    3. If minimal sedation is self-administered by or to a patient 13 years of age or older before arrival at the dental office or treatment facility, the dentist may only use the personnel listed in subdivision 1 of this subsection to administer local anesthesia.

    D. Equipment requirements. A dentist who utilizes minimal sedation or who directs the administration by another licensed health professional as permitted in subsection C of this section shall maintain the following equipment in working order and immediately available to the areas where patients will be sedated and treated and will recover:

    1. Blood pressure monitoring equipment;

    2. Source of delivery of oxygen under controlled positive pressure;

    3. Mechanical (hand) respiratory bag;

    4. Suction apparatus; and

    5. Pulse oximeter.

    E. Required staffing.

    1. The treatment team for minimal sedation other than just inhalation of nitrous oxide/oxygen shall consist of the dentist and a second person in the operatory with the patient to assist the dentist and monitor the patient. The second person shall be a licensed health care professional or a person qualified in accordance with 18VAC60-21-260 I; or

    2. When only nitrous oxide/oxygen is administered for minimal sedation, a second person is not required. Either the dentist or qualified dental hygienist under the indirect supervision of a dentist may administer the nitrous oxide/oxygen and treat and monitor the patient.

    F. Monitoring requirements.

    1. Baseline vital signs to include blood pressure, respiratory rate, and heart rate shall be taken and recorded prior to administration of sedation and prior to discharge.

    2. Blood pressure, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, and pulse shall be monitored intraoperatively.

    3. Once the administration of minimal sedation has begun by any route of administration, the dentist shall ensure that a licensed health care professional or a person qualified in accordance with 18VAC60-21-260 I monitors the patient at all times until discharged as required in subsection G of this section.

    4. If nitrous oxide/oxygen is used, monitoring shall include making the proper adjustments of nitrous oxide/oxygen machines at the request of or by the dentist or by another qualified licensed health professional identified in subsection C of this section. Only the dentist or another qualified licensed health professional identified in subsection C of this section may turn the nitrous oxide/oxygen machines on or off.

    5. If any other pharmacological agent is used in addition to nitrous oxide/oxygen and a local anesthetic, requirements for the induced level of sedation must be met.

    G. Discharge requirements.

    1. The dentist shall not discharge a patient until he exhibits baseline responses in a post-operative evaluation of the level of consciousness. Vital signs, to include blood pressure, respiratory rate, and heart rate shall be taken and recorded prior to discharge.

    2. Post-operative instructions shall be given verbally and in writing. The written instructions shall include a 24-hour emergency telephone number.

    3. Pediatric patients shall be discharged with a responsible individual who has been instructed with regard to the patient's care.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 32, Issue 05, eff. December 2, 2015.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.