Section 770. Prohibited acts  

Latest version.
  • The following acts are prohibited and any violation may result in action by the board, including but not limited to issuance of a temporary cease and desist order in accordance with subdivision D 2 of § 55-396 of the Code of Virginia:

    1. Violating, inducing another to violate, or cooperating with others in violating any of the provisions of any regulation of the board or the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act or engaging in any act enumerated in §§ 54.1-102 and 54.1-111 of the Code of Virginia.

    2. Obtaining or attempting to obtain a registration by false or fraudulent representation, or maintaining, renewing, or reinstating a registration by false or fraudulent representation.

    3. Failing to alter or amend the public offering statement or disclosure document as required in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

    4. Providing information to purchasers in a manner that willfully and intentionally fails to promote full and accurate disclosure.

    5. Making any misrepresentation or making a false promise that might influence, persuade, or induce.

    6. Failing to provide information or documents, or amendments thereof, in accordance with this chapter.

    7. Failing to comply with the post-registration requirements of this chapter.

    8. Filing false or misleading information in the course of terminating a registration in accordance with 18VAC48-45-460, 18VAC48-50-560, or 18VAC48-50-630.

    9. Failing to comply with the advertising standards contained in Part III (18VAC48-45-80 et seq.) of this chapter.

    10. Failing to notify the board of the cancellation, amendment, expiration, termination, or any other change that affects the validity of a bond or letter of credit required pursuant to subsection E of 18VAC48-45-670.

    11. Allowing a registration issued by the board to be used by another.

    12. A regulant having been convicted, found guilty, or disciplined in any jurisdiction of any offense or violation described in subdivisions C 13 and C 14 of 18VAC48-45-130, subdivisions 4 and 5 of 18VAC48-45-210, and subsections D, G, and H of 18VAC48-45-670.

    13. Failing to inform the board in writing within 30 days that the regulant was convicted, found guilty, or disciplined in any jurisdiction of any offense or violation described in subsections D, G, and H of 18VAC48-45-670.

    14. Failing to report a change as required by 18VAC48-45-470.

    15. Failing to satisfy any judgments or restitution orders entered by a court or arbiter of competent jurisdiction.

    16. Misrepresenting or misusing the intended purpose of a power of attorney or similar document to the detriment of any grantor of such power of attorney.

    17. Engaging in dishonest of fraudulent conduct in providing resale services, including but not limited to the following:

    a. The intentional and unjustified failure to comply with the terms of the resale purchase contract or resale transfer contract.

    b. Engaging in dishonest or fraudulent conduct in providing resale services.

    c. Failing to comply with the recordkeeping requirements of § 55-394.4 of the Code of Virginia.

    d. Failing to disclose information in writing concerning the marketing, sale, or transfer of resale time-shares required by this chapter prior to accepting any consideration or with the expectation of receiving consideration from any time-share owner, seller, or buyer.

    e. Making false or misleading statements concerning offers to buy or rent; the value, pricing, timing, or availability of resale time-shares; or numbers of sellers, renters, or buyers when engaged in time-share resale activities.

    f. Misrepresenting the likelihood of selling a resale time-share interest.

    g. Misrepresenting the method by or source from which the reseller or lead dealer obtained the contact information of any time-share owner.

    h. Misrepresenting price or value increases or decreases, assessments, special assessments, maintenance fees, or taxes or guaranteeing sales or rentals in order to obtain money or property.

    i. Making false or misleading statements concerning the identity of the reseller or any of its affiliates or the time-share resale entity's or any of its affiliate's experience, performance, guarantees, services, fees, or commissions, availability of refunds, length of time in business, or endorsements by or affiliations with developers, management companies, or any other third party.

    j. Misrepresenting whether or not the reseller or its affiliates, employees, or agents hold, in any state or jurisdiction, a current real estate sales or broker's license or other government-required license.

    k. Misrepresenting how funds will be utilized in any time-share resale activity conducted by the reseller.

    l. Misrepresenting that the reseller or its affiliates, employees, or agents have specialized education, professional affiliations, expertise, licenses, certifications, or other specialized knowledge or qualifications.

    m. Making false or misleading statements concerning the conditions under which a time-share owner, seller, or buyer may exchange or occupy the resale time-share interest.

    n. Representing that any gift, prize, membership, or other benefit or service will be provided to any time-share owner, seller, or buyer without providing such gift, prize, membership, or other benefit or service in the manner represented.

    o. Misrepresenting the nature of any resale time-share interest or the related time-share plan.

    p. Misrepresenting the amount of the proceeds, or failing to pay the proceeds, of any rental or sale of a resale time-share interest as offered by a potential renter or buyer to the time-share owner who made such resale time-share interest available for rental or sale through the reseller.

    q. Failing to transfer any resale time-share interests as represented and required by this chapter or to provide written evidence to the time-share owner of the recording or transfer of such time-share owner's resale time-share interest as required by this chapter.

    r. Failing to pay any annual assessments, special assessments, personal property or real estate taxes, or other fees relating to an owner's resale time-share interest as represented or required by this chapter.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 32, Issue 10, eff. March 1, 2016.

Statutory Authority

§§ 54.1-2349 and 55-396 of the Code of Virginia.