Section 400. Annual report for a time-share project registration required by developer  

Latest version.
  • A. A developer shall file an annual report for a time-share project registration on a form provided by the board to update the material contained in the registration file by June 30 of each year the registration is effective and shall be accompanied by the fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70. Prior to filing the annual report required by § 55-394.1 of the Code of Virginia, the developer shall review the public offering statement then being delivered to purchasers. If such public offering statement is current, the developer shall so certify in the annual report. If such public offering statement is not current, the developer shall amend the public offering statement and the annual report shall, in that event, include a filing in accordance with 18VAC48-45-360.

    B. The annual report shall contain, but may not be limited to, the following:

    1. Current contact information for the developer;

    2. Information concerning the current status of the time-share project;

    3. Information concerning the current status of the time-share program, including (i) the type of time-shares being offered and sold; (ii) the total number of time-share interests available in the program; (iii) the total number of time-share interests sold; and (iv) information regarding any incomplete units and common elements;

    4. If the project is a time-share estate project and the developer control period has not yet expired, a copy of the annual report that was prepared and distributed by the developer to the time-share owners required by § 55-370.1 of the Code of Virginia must accompany the annual report;

    5. Date of the public offering statement currently being delivered to purchasers; and

    6. Current evidence from the surety or financial institution of bonds or letters of credit, or submittal of replacement bonds or letters of credit, required pursuant to subsection C of § 55-375 and subsection B of § 55-386 of the Code of Virginia. Such verification shall provide the following:

    a. Principal of bond or letter of credit;

    b. Beneficiary of bond or letter of credit;

    c. Name of the surety or financial institution that issued the bond or letter of credit;

    d. Bond or letter of credit number as assigned by the issuer;

    e. The dollar amount; and

    f. The expiration date or, if self-renewing, the date by which the bond or letter of credit shall be renewed.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 32, Issue 10, eff. March 1, 2016.

Statutory Authority

§§ 54.1-2349 and 55-396 of the Code of Virginia.