Section 290. Narrative sections; conversion time-share projects  

Latest version.
  • A. The public offering statement of a conversion time-share project shall contain a section captioned "Conversion Time-Share Projects." The section shall include the following:

    1. A specific statement of the amount of any initial or special fee, if any, due from the purchaser of a time-share on or before settlement of the purchase contract and the basis of such fee occasioned by the fact that the project is a conversion time-share project.

    2. Information on the actual expenditures, if available, made on all repairs, maintenance, operation, or upkeep of the building or buildings within the last three years. This information shall be set forth in a tabular manner within the proposed budget of the project. If such building or buildings have not been occupied for a period of three years then the information shall be set forth for the period during which such building or buildings were occupied.

    3. A description of any provisions made in the budget for reserves for capital expenditures and an explanation of the basis for such reserves occasioned by the fact that the project is a conversion time-share project, or, if no provision is made for such reserves, a statement to that effect.

    4. A statement of the present condition of all structural components and major utility installations in the building, which statement shall include the approximate dates of construction, installations, and major repairs as well as the expected useful life of each such item, together with the estimated cost, in current dollars, of replacing each such component.

    B. In lieu of a narrative section pursuant to this section, the requirements of this section may be satisfied in the form of an exhibit to the public offering statement.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 32, Issue 10, eff. March 1, 2016.

Statutory Authority

§§ 54.1-2349 and 55-396 of the Code of Virginia.