Section 270. Narrative sections; time-share owners' association  

Latest version.
  • A. For time-share estate projects the public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Time-Share Owners' Association." The section shall discuss the arrangements for the management and operation of the time-share estate program and for the maintenance, repair, and furnishing of units and shall include the information required by subdivisions 1 through 15 of this subsection. The section shall describe or discuss the following:

    1. The creation of the association.

    2. The payment of costs and expenses of operating the time-share estate program and owning and maintaining the time-share units.

    3. Employment and termination of employment of the managing agent for the time-share estate project.

    4. Termination of leases and contracts for goods and services for the time-share estate project that were entered into during the developer control period.

    5. Preparation and dissemination of the annual report required by § 55-370.1 of the Code of Virginia to the time-share estate owners.

    6. Adoption of standards and rules of conduct for the use, enjoyment, and occupancy of units by the time-share estate owners.

    7. Collection of regular assessments, fees or dues, and special assessments from time-share estate owners to defray all time-share expenses.

    8. Comprehensive general liability insurance for death, bodily injury, and property damage arising out of, or in connection with, the use and enjoyment of the time-share project by time-share estate owners, their guests and other users. The cost for such insurance shall be a time-share expense.

    9. Methods for providing compensation or alternate use periods or monetary compensation to a time-share estate owner if his contracted-for unit cannot be made available for the period to which the owner is entitled by schedule or by confirmed reservation.

    10. Procedures for imposing a monetary penalty or suspension of a time-share estate owner's rights and privileges in the time-share estate program or time-share project for failure to comply with provisions of the time-share instrument or the rules and regulations of the association with respect to the use and enjoyment of the units and the time-share project. Under these procedures a time-share estate owner must be given reasonable notice and reasonable opportunity to be heard and explain the charges against him in person or in writing to the board of directors of the association before a decision to impose discipline is rendered.

    11. Employment of attorneys, accountants, and other professional persons as necessary to assist in the management of the time-share estate program and the time-share project.

    12. Developer control period, during which time period the developer, or a managing agent selected by the developer, shall manage and control the time-share estate project and the common elements and units, including decisions about the financial operation of the association.

    13. The managing agent, if any, shall be identified, and the section shall indicate any relationship between the managing agent and the developer. The duration of any management agreement shall be stated.

    14. Except to the extent otherwise disclosed in connection with discussion of a management agreement, the significant terms of any lease of recreational areas or similar contract or agreement affecting the use, maintenance or access of all or any part of the time-share project shall be stated. The section shall include a brief narrative statement of the effect of each such agreement upon a purchaser.

    15. Rules and regulations of the time-share estate association shall be discussed. The purchaser's attention shall be directed to the copy of rules and regulations, if any, attached to the public offering statement.

    B. For time-share use projects, if an association is formed for management and operation of the time-share use program and for the maintenance, repair, and furnishing of time-share use units comprising the time-share, the public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Time-Share Owners' Association." This section shall contain the information required by subdivisions A 1 through 15 of this section as applicable to the association for the time-share use project.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 32, Issue 10, eff. March 1, 2016.

Statutory Authority

§§ 54.1-2349 and 55-396 of the Code of Virginia.