Section 200. Narrative sections; individual time-shares  

Latest version.
  • A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Individual Time-Shares." The section shall indicate (i) the form of time-share ownership being offered; (ii) the types, duration, and number of units and time-shares in the project registered with the board; (iii) identification of units that are subject to the time-share program; and (iv) the estimated number of units that may become subject to the time-share program.

    B. This section shall explain the extent to which financial arrangements, if any, have been provided for completion of any incomplete but promised time-share unit or common element being offered for sale. The section shall contain a statement of the developer's obligation to complete any promised time-share unit or common element being offered for sale comprising the time-share project that have not begun or begun but not yet completed.

    C. The section shall explain the extent to which a time-share unit may become subject to a tax or other lien arising out of claims against other owners of the same unit.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 32, Issue 10, eff. March 1, 2016.

Statutory Authority

§§ 54.1-2349 and 55-396 of the Code of Virginia.