Section 530. Filing of phase amendment application  

Latest version.
  • A. A phase amendment application shall be filed when adding land to or converting land in the condominium, provided that no such application need be filed for units previously registered. Such phase amendment application shall be accompanied by the fee provided for in 18VAC48-30-100 and shall be subject to all of the provisions of 18VAC48-30-90 through 18VAC48-30-150. Documents on file with the board that have not changed in connection with the additional units need not be refiled, provided that the phase amendment application indicates that such documents are unchanged.

    B. The application shall include a new or amended bond or letter of credit required pursuant to § 55-79.84:1 of the Code of Virginia for the additional units.

    C. The board shall review the phase amendment application and supporting materials to determine whether the amendment complies with this chapter. If the board's review determines the phase amendment application complies with this chapter, it shall issue an amended order of registration for the condominium and shall provide that any previous orders and designations of the form, content, and effective date of the public offering statement, substituted public offering statement, or prospectus to be used are superseded. If the board's review determines that the phase amendment application is not complete, the board shall correspond with the declarant to specify the particulars that must be completed to obtain compliance with this chapter.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.