Section 490. Filing of amended public offering statement  

Latest version.
  • A. The declarant shall promptly file with the board for review a copy of the amended public offering statement or substituted public offering statement together with a copy of a summary of proposed amendments that shall be distributed to purchasers during the board review period. The summary of proposed amendments shall enumerate the amendments to the public offering statement submitted for board review and include a statement that the amendments to the public offering statement have been filed with the board but have not yet been accepted. The form of the submission is at the discretion of the declarant provided, however, that (i) all amendments are clearly represented in the documentation presented, (ii) the additions and deletions of text in the public offering statement and exhibits shall be identified by underlining and striking through text to be added and deleted, and (iii) any documents being added to or deleted from the contents of the public offering statement shall be clearly and accurately reflected in the table of contents utilizing underlines and strike-throughs for additions and deletions. In addition to the copies showing edits to the text, a clean copy of all new and amended documents shall be provided.

    B. The amended public offering statement submitted to the board for review shall include the effective date of the amendments.

    C. The board shall issue a notice of filing within five business days following receipt of the amended public offering statement.

    D. Within 30 days of the issuance of the notice of filing required by subsection C of this section, the board shall review the amended public offering statement and supporting materials to determine whether the amendment complies with this chapter. If the board's review determines that the amended public offering statement complies with this chapter, it shall notify the declarant in writing and confirm the new effective date of the public offering statement.

    E. If the board's review determines that the amended public offering statement does not comply with this chapter, it shall immediately notify the declarant in writing that the review has determined the amended public offering statement is not in compliance and shall specify the particulars of such noncompliance. The declarant shall then have 20 days in which to correct the particulars of noncompliance identified by the board. The declarant may, prior to the completion of the 20-day correction period, request an extension in writing of the 20-day correction period. Upon expiration of the 20-day correction period, if requested corrections have not been made or a request for extension properly received, the board may issue a temporary cease and desist order in accordance with § 55-79.100 (b) of the Code of Virginia to require the cessation of sales until such time as affirmative action as directed by the board is taken. Use of the noncompliant public offering statement may result in further action by the board pursuant to §§ 55-79.100, 55-79.101, and 55-79.103 of the Code of Virginia.

    F. Notwithstanding an extension of the 30-day period for review agreed to in writing by the board and declarant, if the board does not perform the required review of the public offering statement in accordance with subsection D of this section, the amendment shall be deemed to comply with 18VAC48-30-160 through 18VAC48-30-380, and the new effective date shall be the effective date of the amendment provided pursuant to subsection B of this section.

    G. In each case in which an amended document is filed pursuant to this section and the manner of its amendment is not apparent on the face of the document, the declarant shall provide an indication of the manner and extent of amendment.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.