Section 420. Financial matters, conversion condominium  

Latest version.
  • A. The provisions for capital reserves described in the section captioned "Financial Matters" shall conform with 18VAC48-30-320 and shall be supplemented by the information set forth in subsections B and C of this section.

    B. The section shall state the aggregate replacement cost of all physical assets whose replacement costs will constitute regular common expenses and whose expected useful lives are 10 years or less. For the purposes of this subsection, an expected useful life that is stated as being within a range of years pursuant to subsection E of 18VAC48-30-440 shall be deemed to be 10 years or less, if the lower limit of such range is 10 years or less. The total common expense assessments per unit that would be necessary in order to accumulate an amount of capital reserves equal to such aggregate replacement cost shall be stated.

    C. The section shall state the amount of capital reserves that will be accumulated by the unit owners' association during the period of declarant control together with any provisions of the condominium instruments specifying the rate at which reserves are to be accumulated thereafter. If any part of the capital reserves will or may be obtained other than through regular common expense and limited common expense assessments, such fact shall be stated.

    D. The actual expenditures made over a three-year period on operation, maintenance, repair, or other upkeep of the property prior to its conversion to condominium shall be set forth in tabular form as an exhibit immediately preceding or following the budget attached to the public offering statement pursuant to subsection C of 18VAC48-30-320, and shall be presented in a manner that is not misleading. Distinction shall be made between expenditures that would have constituted regular common expenses and limited common expenses, and expenditures that would have been borne by unit owners individually if the property had been converted to a condominium prior to the commencement of the three-year period. To the extent that it is impossible or impracticable to so distinguish the expenditures it shall be assumed that they would have constituted regular common expenses or limited common expenses.

    Both types of expenditures shall be cumulatively broken down on a per unit basis in the same proportion that common expenses are or will actually be assessed against the condominium units. The three-year period to which this subsection refers shall be the most recent three-year period prior to application for registration during which the property was occupied and for which expenditure information is available. The expenditure information shall indicate the years for which expenditures are stated. If any portion of the property being converted to condominium was not occupied for the full three-year period, expenditure information shall be set forth only for the entire time period that portion of the property was occupied. The "Financial Matters" section shall direct the purchaser's attention to the expenditure information.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.