Section 290. Narrative sections; unit owners' association.  

Latest version.
  • A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Unit Owners' Association." The section shall discuss the manner in which the condominium is governed and administered and shall include the information required by subsections B through K of this section.

    B. The section shall summarize the functions of the unit owners' association.

    C. The section shall describe the organizational structure of the unit owners' association. Such description shall indicate (i) the existence of or provision for an executive organ, officers, and managing agent, if any; (ii) the relationships between such persons or bodies; (iii) the manner of election or appointment of such persons or bodies; and (iv) the assignment or delegation of responsibility for the performance of the functions of the unit owners' association.

    D. The section shall describe the method of allocating votes among the unit owners.

    E. The section shall describe any retention by the declarant of control over the unit owners' association, including the time period of declarant control. The section shall state that the association shall register with the Common Interest Community Board upon transition of declarant control by filing the required annual report in accordance with § 55-79.93:1 of the Code of Virginia.

    F. The managing agent, if any, shall be identified. If a managing agent is to be employed in the future, the criteria, if any, for selection of the managing agent shall be briefly stated. The section shall indicate any relationship between the managing agent and the declarant or a member of the executive organ or an officer of the unit owners' association. The duration of any management agreement shall be stated.

    G. Except to the extent otherwise disclosed in connection with discussion of a management agreement, the significant terms of any lease of recreational areas or similar contract or agreement affecting the use, maintenance, or access of all or any part of the condominium shall be stated. The section shall include a brief narrative statement of the effect of each such agreement upon a purchaser.

    H. Rules and regulations of the unit owners' association and the authority to promulgate rules and regulations shall be discussed. Particular provisions of the rules and regulations need not be discussed except as required by other provisions of this chapter. The purchaser's attention shall be directed to the copy of rules and regulations, if any, attached to the public offering statement.

    I. Any standing committees established or to be established to perform functions of the unit owners' association shall be discussed. Such committees include, without limitation, architectural control committees and committees having the authority to interpret condominium instruments, rules, and regulations or other operative provisions.

    J. Unless required to be disclosed by 18VAC48-30-270 E, any power of the declarant or of the unit owners' association or its representatives or agents to enter units shall be discussed. To the extent each is applicable, the following facts shall be stated (i) a unit may be entered without notice to the unit owner, (ii) the declarant or the unit owners' association or its representatives or agents are empowered to take actions or perform work in a unit without the consent of the unit owner, and (iii) the unit owner may be required to bear the costs of actions so taken or work so performed.

    K. The section shall state whether the condominium is part of a master or other association and briefly describe such relationship and the responsibilities of and obligations to the master association, including any charges for which the unit owner or the unit owners' association may be responsible. The disclosures required by this subsection may be contained in this narrative section or another narrative section. The section shall also describe any other obligation of the association or unit owners arising out of any agreements, easements, deed restrictions, or proffers, including the obligation to pay fees or other charges.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.