Section 270. Narrative sections; encumbrances  

Latest version.
  • A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Encumbrances" that shall include the significant terms of any encumbrances, easements, liens, and matters of title affecting the condominium other than those contained in the condominium instruments and disclosed elsewhere in the public offering statement, as provided in subsections B through J of this section.

    B. Except to the extent that such encumbrances are required to be satisfied or released by subsection A of § 55-79.46 of the Code of Virginia, or a similar law, the section shall describe every mortgage, deed of trust, other perfected lien, or choate mechanics' or materialmen's lien affecting all or any portion of the condominium other than those placed on condominium units by their purchasers or owners. Such description shall (i) identify the lender secured or the lienholder, (ii) state the nature and original amount of the obligation secured, (iii) identify the party having primary responsibility for performance of the obligation secured, and (iv) indicate the practical effect upon unit owners of failure of the party to perform the obligation.

    C. Normal easements for utilities, municipal rights-of-way, and emergency access shall be described only as such, without reference to ownership, location, or other details.

    D. Easements reserved to the declarant to facilitate conversion, expansion, or sales shall be briefly described.

    E. Easements reserved to the declarant or to the unit owners' association or to either entity's representatives or agents for access to units shall be briefly described. In the event that access to a unit may be had without notice to the unit owner, such fact shall be stated.

    F. Easements across the condominium reserved to the owners or occupants of land located in the vicinity of the condominium, or across adjacent land benefitting the condominium including, without limitation, easements for the use of recreational areas shall be briefly described.

    G. Covenants, servitudes, or other devices that create an actual restriction on the right of any unit owner to use and enjoy the unit or any portion of the common elements other than limited common elements shall be briefly described.

    H. Any matter of title that is not otherwise required to be disclosed by the provisions of this section and that has or may have a substantial adverse impact upon unit owners' interests in the condominium shall be described. Under normal circumstances, normal and customary utility easements, easements for encroachments, and easements running in favor of unit owners for ingress and egress across the common elements shall be deemed not to have a substantial adverse impact upon unit owners' interest in the condominium.

    I. The section need not include any information required to be disclosed by 18VAC48-30-210 C, 18VAC48-30-220, or 18VAC48-30-280.

    J. In addition to the description of easements required in this section, pertinent easements that can be located shall be shown on the condominium plats and plans.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.