Section 110. Review of application for registration  

Latest version.
  • A. Upon receipt of an application for registration, the board shall issue the notice of filing required by subsection A of § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia.

    B. Upon the review of the application for registration, if the requirements of §§ 55-79.89 and 55-79.91 of the Code of Virginia have not been met, the board shall notify the applicant as required by subsection C of § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia.

    C. A request for an extension of the 60-day application review period described in § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the board prior to the expiration of the period being extended. The request shall be for an extension of definite duration. The board may grant in writing a request for an extension of the application review period, and it may limit the extension to a period not longer than is reasonably necessary to permit correction of the application. An additional extension of the application review period may be obtained, subject to the conditions applicable to the initial request. A request for an extension of the application review period shall be deemed a consent to delay within the meaning of subsection A of § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia.

    D. If the requirements for registration are not met within the application review period or a valid extension thereof, the board shall, upon the expiration of such period, enter an order rejecting the registration as required by subsection C of § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia.

    E. An applicant may submit a written request for an informal conference in accordance with § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia at any time between receipt of a notification pursuant to subsection B of this section and the effective date of the order of rejection entered pursuant to subsection D of this section. A request for such proceeding shall be deemed a consent to delay within the meaning of subsection A of § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia.

    F. The board shall receive and act upon corrections to the application for registration at any time prior to the effective date of an order rejecting the registration. If the board determines after review of the corrections that the requirements for registration have not been met, the board may proceed with an informal conference in accordance with § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia to allow reconsideration of whether the requirements for registration are met. If the board does not opt to proceed with an informal conference, the applicant may submit a written request for an informal conference in accordance with § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia to reconsider whether the requirements for registration are met. If the board does not proceed with an informal conference and no request for an informal conference is received from the applicant, an amended order of rejection stating the factual basis for the rejection shall be issued. A new 20-day period for the order of rejection to become effective shall commence.

    G. At such time as the board affirmatively determines that the requirements of §§ 55-79.89 and 55-79.91 of the Code of Virginia have been met, the board shall enter an order registering the condominium and shall designate the form, content, and effective date of the public offering statement, substituted public offering statement, or prospectus to be used.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.