Section 54. Qualifications for accredited lead training program approval  

Latest version.
  • A. For a training program to obtain accreditation from the board to teach lead-based paint activities, the program shall demonstrate through its application material that it meets the minimum requirements for principal instructor qualifications, required topic review, length of training, and recordkeeping for each discipline for which the program is seeking accreditation. Training programs shall offer courses that teach the standards for conducting lead-based paint activities contained in this chapter and other such standards adopted by the EPA.

    B. Each applicant for approval as an accredited lead training provider shall meet the requirements established by this chapter before being granted approval to offer an accredited lead training program. Applicants requesting approval of a lead training program to prepare participants for licensure shall apply on a form provided by the board. The application form shall be completed in accordance with the instructions supplied and shall include the following:

    1. The course for which it is applying for accreditation.

    2. A statement signed by the training program manager, which certifies that the training program meets the minimum requirements established in this chapter.

    3. The names and qualifications, including education and experience, of each principal instructor.

    4. A copy of the student manuals and instructor manuals or other materials to be used.

    5. A copy of the course agenda that includes the time allocation for each course topic.

    6. A copy of the test and answer sheet.

    7. A description of the facilities and equipment to be used for lecture and hands-on training.

    8. A description of the activities and procedures that will be used for conducting the assessment of hands-on skills.

    9. A copy of the quality control plan as described in this chapter.

    10. An example of a certificate that will be issued to students who successfully complete the course.

    11. A proposed course date for auditing purposes.

    12. The application fee required by 18VAC15-30-162.

    C. The completed application form with attachments and fee shall be received by the board no later than 45 days before the desired audit date.

    D. An applicant may seek approval for as many initial and refresher courses as it chooses, but shall submit a separate application and fee for each program.

    E. Applicants may seek accreditation to offer lead-based paint activities initial or refresher courses in any of the following disciplines: lead abatement worker, lead project designer, lead abatement supervisor, lead inspector, and lead risk assessor.

    F. Each training program shall be conducted in compliance with this chapter to qualify for and maintain approval as an accredited lead training program.

    G. Upon receipt of an application, the board shall conduct a preliminary review and shall notify the applicant in writing of any deficiencies in the submittal packages. Applicants will have one year from the board's receipt of the application to correct any problems noted in the review.

    H. After the application has been found to be complete and in compliance with this chapter, an on-site audit of the training program shall be conducted. The board shall conduct an additional on-site audit, grant approval or deny approval based on the board's evaluation of the level of compliance with this chapter found during the initial on-site audit.

    I. Applicants denied approval shall have one year from the date of receipt of the application by the board to correct any deficiencies and notify the board in writing.

    J. An accredited training provider shall have been approved by the board before its training certificates shall be accepted by the board as evidence that an individual has completed an accredited lead training program.

    K. Each accredited lead training program that is granted approval shall be sent a form indicating the discipline approved and an expiration date that shall be maintained at the business address listed on the application.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 03, eff. December 1, 2006.

Statutory Authority

§§ 54.1-201 and 54.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.