Chapter 30. Virginia Lead-Based Paint Activities Regulations  

Section 10. Scope
Section 20. Definitions
Section 30. [Repealed]
Section 41. Waiver of the requirements of this chapter
Section 50. [Repealed]
Section 51. Application procedures
Section 52. Qualifications for licensure - individuals
Section 53. Qualifications for licensurebusiness entities
Section 54. Qualifications for accredited lead training program approval
Section 60. [Repealed]
Section 100. [Repealed]
Section 161. General fee requirements
Section 162. Application fees
Section 163. Renewal and late renewal fees
Section 164. Renewal required
Section 165. Procedures for renewal
Section 166. Qualifications for renewal
Section 167. Late renewal
Section 170. [Repealed]
Section 190. [Repealed]
Section 205. [Repealed]
Section 210. [Repealed]
Section 225. [Repealed]
Section 230. [Repealed]
Section 245. [Repealed]
Section 310. [Repealed]
Section 330. [Repealed]
Section 332. Changes to an approved course
Section 334. Change of ownership
Section 340. Qualifications of training managers and principal instructors
Section 350. Responsibilities of the training manager
Section 360. Training manager and principal instructor documentation
Section 370. Training facilities
Section 380. Length of training courses
Section 390. Course examination
Section 400. Certificates of completion
Section 410. Quality control plan
Section 420. Recordkeeping and provision of records to the board
Section 430. Change of address
Section 440. General
Section 450. Initial training criteria for lead abatement worker
Section 460. Initial training criteria for lead abatement supervisor
Section 470. Initial training criteria for lead inspector
Section 480. Initial training criteria for lead risk assessors
Section 490. Initial training criteria for lead project designer
Section 500. Refresher training criteria
Section 510. General requirements
Section 511. Determination of the presence of lead-based paint, a paint-lead hazard, a dust-lead hazard, and a soil-lead hazard
Section 520. Inspections
Section 530. [Repealed]
Section 540. Written inspection report
Section 541. Lead hazard screen
Section 542. Written lead hazard screen report
Section 550. Risk assessment
Section 560. [Repealed]
Section 610. Written risk assessment report
Section 620. Abatement
Section 630. [Repealed]
Section 650. Post-abatement clearance procedures
Section 651. Composite dust sampling
Section 660. [Repealed]
Section 760. Responsibility to the public
Section 770. Public statements
Section 780. Solicitation of work
Section 790. Professional responsibility
Section 800. Good standing in other jurisdictions
Section 810. Grounds for denial of application, denial of renewal, or discipline
Section 820. Suspension or revocation of approval of an accredited lead training provider
Section 830. [Repealed]
Appendix 9998. FORMS (18VAC15-30)