Section 32. Qualifications for licensure - individuals  

Latest version.
  • A. General. Applicants shall meet all applicable entry requirements at the time application is made.

    B. Name. The applicant shall disclose his full legal name.

    C. Age. The applicant shall be at least 18 years old.

    D. Address. The applicant shall disclose a physical address. A post office box is only acceptable when a physical address is also provided.

    E. Specific entry requirements.

    1. Worker. Each individual applying for an initial asbestos worker license shall provide proof of successful completion of (i) an EPA/AHERA or board-approved initial accredited asbestos worker training program and all subsequent EPA/AHERA or board-approved accredited asbestos worker refresher training programs or (ii) an EPA/AHERA or board-approved initial accredited supervisor training program and all subsequent EPA/AHERA or board-approved accredited asbestos supervisor refresher training programs. The training certificate must indicate that the training was taken within 12 months preceding the date the department receives the application.

    2. Supervisor. Each individual applying for an initial asbestos supervisor license shall provide proof of successful completion of an EPA/AHERA or board-approved initial accredited supervisor training program and all subsequent EPA/AHERA or board-approved accredited asbestos supervisor refresher training programs. The training certificate must indicate that the training was taken within 12 months preceding the date the department receives the application.

    3. Inspector.

    a. Each individual applying for an initial asbestos inspector license shall provide:

    (1) Proof of successful completion of an EPA/AHERA or board-approved initial accredited inspector training program and all subsequent EPA/AHERA or board-approved accredited asbestos inspector refresher training programs; and

    (2) Evidence of experience in performing asbestos inspections in buildings or industrial facilities, including collecting bulk samples, categorizing ACM, assessing ACM and preparing inspection reports. The amount of experience required is dependent on the applicant's formal education and is as follows:

    (a) An applicant with a bachelor's degree in engineering, architecture, industrial hygiene, physical science or a related field shall have at least six months' experience or have completed a minimum of five inspections;

    (b) An applicant with a two-year associate's degree in engineering, architecture, industrial hygiene, physical science or a related field shall have at least 12 months' experience or have completed a minimum of 10 inspections; or

    (c) An applicant with a high school diploma shall have at least 24 months' experience or have completed a minimum of 15 inspections.

    b. Experience may be obtained by:

    (1) Conducting asbestos inspections in jurisdictions outside of Virginia in accordance with all federal, state and local statutes.

    (2) Conducting asbestos inspections under the direct supervision, as defined in this chapter, of a licensed inspector or EPA-accredited inspector where no license is required. All reports prepared by the unlicensed individual shall be signed by the licensed or EPA-accredited inspector in charge. The licensed or EPA-accredited inspector assumes responsibility for all sampling and reports prepared by the unlicensed individual.

    4. Management planner.

    a. Each individual applying for an initial asbestos management planner license shall provide:

    (1) Proof of successful completion of an EPA/AHERA or board-approved initial accredited management planner training program and all subsequent EPA/AHERA or board-approved accredited asbestos management planner refresher training programs; and

    (2) Evidence of experience evaluating inspection reports, selecting response actions, analyzing the cost of response actions, ranking response actions, preparing operations and maintenance plans and preparing management plans. The amount of experience required is dependent on the applicant's formal education and is as follows:

    (a) An applicant with a bachelor's degree in engineering, architecture, industrial hygiene, physical science or a related field shall have at least six months' experience or shall have completed a minimum of five management plans.

    (b) An applicant with a two-year associate's degree in engineering, architecture, industrial hygiene, physical science or a related field shall have at least 12 months' experience or shall have completed a minimum of 10 management plans.

    (c) An applicant with a high school diploma shall have at least 24 months' experience or shall have completed a minimum of 15 management plans.

    b. Experience may be obtained by:

    (1) Preparing management plans or conducting asbestos inspections in jurisdictions outside of Virginia in accordance with all federal, state and local statutes; or

    (2) Preparing management plans or conducting asbestos inspections under the direct supervision, as defined in this chapter, of a licensed management planner or inspector, or EPA-accredited management planner or inspector where no license is required. All reports prepared by the unlicensed individual shall be signed by the licensed or EPA-accredited management planner or inspector in charge. The licensed or EPA-accredited management planner or inspector assumes responsibility for all sampling and reports prepared by the unlicensed individual.

    5. Project designer.

    a. Each individual applying for an initial asbestos project designer license shall provide:

    (1) Proof of successful completion of an EPA/AHERA or board-approved initial accredited project designer training program and all subsequent EPA/AHERA or board-approved accredited asbestos project designer refresher training programs; and

    (2) Evidence of experience in the preparation of project designs or project specifications. The amount of experience required is dependent on the applicant's formal education and is as follows:

    (a) An applicant with a bachelor's degree in engineering, architecture, industrial hygiene, physical science or a related field shall have six months' experience or shall have completed a minimum of five project designs.

    (b) An applicant with a two-year associate's degree in engineering, architecture, industrial hygiene, physical science or related field shall have 12 months' experience or shall have completed a minimum of 10 project designs.

    (c) An applicant with a high school diploma shall have at least 24 months' experience or shall have completed a minimum of 15 project designs.

    b. Experience may be obtained by:

    (1) Preparing asbestos project designs in jurisdictions outside of Virginia in accordance with all federal, state and local statutes.

    (2) Preparing asbestos project designs under the direct supervision, as defined in this chapter, of a licensed asbestos project designer, or EPA-accredited asbestos project designer where no license is required. All project designs prepared by the unlicensed individual shall be signed by the licensed EPA-accredited project designer in charge. The licensed or EPA-accredited project designer assumes responsibility for all project design reports prepared by the unlicensed individual.

    6. Project monitor.

    a. Each individual applying for an initial asbestos project monitor license shall provide:

    (1) Proof of (i) a current certification by EPA as an asbestos project designer or asbestos supervisor and successful completion of a board-approved asbestos project monitor training program of 16 hours, including the examination or (ii) successful completion of a board-approved asbestos project monitor training program of 40 hours, including examination. Only project monitor training programs that are board approved shall be accepted for meeting the training requirement; and

    (2) Evidence of 160 hours of experience in performing asbestos project monitoring through field work on project sites. This includes, but is not limited to, evaluating and monitoring asbestos work practices, collecting environmental asbestos air samples during abatement, performing visual inspections and taking final air samples to grant clearance for asbestos abatement projects.

    b. Experience may be obtained by:

    (1) Acting as an asbestos project monitor in jurisdictions outside of Virginia in accordance with all federal, state and local statutes.

    (2) Acting as an asbestos project monitor under the direct supervision, as defined in this chapter, of a licensed asbestos project monitor or an accredited asbestos project monitor where no license is required. All project monitoring reports prepared by the unlicensed individual shall be signed by the licensed or accredited project monitor in charge. The licensed or accredited project monitor assumes responsibility for all reports and documents prepared by the unlicensed individual.

    F. Experience and education verification. Each application for inspector, management planner, project monitor and project designer shall include a completed Experience Verification Form signed by a supervisor verifying the applicant's experience. In lieu of a verifying signature for experience, an applicant who is self employed may submit a copy of three completed inspections, management plans, project designs or project monitor reports, whichever is applicable. A letter from a supervisor verifying the experience may be submitted in lieu of the Experience Verification Form. If verification of a degree is required, the Education Verification Form shall be sent directly from the school to the department.

    G. Conviction or guilt. The applicant shall not have been convicted or found guilty, regardless of adjudication, in any jurisdiction of any felony or of any misdemeanor involving lying, cheating or stealing or any violation while engaged in environmental remediation activity that resulted in the significant harm or the imminent and substantial threat of significant harm to human health or the environment, there being no appeal pending therefrom or the time of appeal having lapsed. Any plea of nolo contendre shall be considered a conviction for the purposes of this section. The record of conviction, finding or case decision shall be considered prima facie evidence of a conviction or finding of guilt. The board, at its discretion, may deny licensure or certification to any applicant in accordance with § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia.

    H. Standards of practice and conduct. Applicants shall be in compliance with the standards of practice and conduct set forth in 18VAC15-20-400 through 18VAC15-20-450 and 18VAC455 through 18VAC15-20-459.1, as applicable at the time of application to the board, while the application is under review by the board, and at all times when the license is in effect.

    I. Standing. The applicant shall be in good standing in every jurisdiction where licensed and the applicant shall not have had a license that was suspended, revoked or surrendered in connection with any disciplinary action in any jurisdiction prior to applying for licensure in Virginia. The board, at its discretion, may deny licensure or certification to any applicant based on disciplinary action by any jurisdiction.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 03, eff. December 1, 2006.

Statutory Authority

§§ 54.1-201 and 54.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.