Chapter 20. Virginia Asbestos Licensing Regulations  

Section 10. Scope
Section 20. Definitions
Section 21. Waiver of the requirements of this chapter
Section 30. [Repealed]
Section 31. Application procedures
Section 32. Qualifications for licensure - individuals
Section 33. Qualifications for licensure - business entities
Section 34. Qualifications for accredited asbestos training program approval
Section 40. [Repealed]
Section 50. [Repealed]
Section 51. General fee requirements
Section 52. Application fees
Section 53. Renewal and late renewal fees
Section 60. Renewal required
Section 70. Procedures for renewal
Section 80. [Repealed]
Section 100. [Repealed]
Section 101. [Repealed]
Section 120. [Repealed]
Section 150. [Repealed]
Section 160. [Repealed]
Section 250. [Repealed]
Section 260. [Repealed]
Section 270. [Repealed]
Section 280. [Repealed]
Section 290. [Repealed]
Section 300. [Repealed]
Section 330. [Repealed]
Section 340. [Repealed]
Section 361. [Repealed]
Section 370. [Repealed]
Section 400. Responsibility to the public
Section 410. Public statements
Section 420. Solicitation of work
Section 430. Professional responsibility
Section 440. Good standing in other jurisdictions
Section 450. Grounds for disciplinary action
Section 451. Asbestos contractor responsibilities
Section 452. Maintenance of licensing and training records at the asbestos job site
Section 453. Conflict of interest
Section 454. Transfer of asbestos contractor license
Section 455. Duties and functions
Section 455.1. Abatement projects that require a project monitor
Section 456. Responsibilities
Section 457. Duties and functions
Section 458. Responsibilities
Section 459. Duties and functions
Section 459.1. Responsibilities
Section 459.2. General
Section 459.3. Responsibilities
Section 459.4. Change of status
Section 459.5. License
Section 459.6. [Repealed]
Section 460. [Repealed]
Section 461. Changes to an approved accredited asbestos training program
Section 462. Transfer of approval of an accredited asbestos training program
Section 463. Access by the department
Section 464. Withdrawal of approval of an accredited asbestos training program
Section 470. Recordkeeping and provision of records to the board
Section 480. Accredited asbestos training program outline and syllabus
Section 490. Certificates of completion
Section 500. Training program materials: training program manuals; video instruction; training equipment
Section 510. [Repealed]
Section 511. Instructor qualifications
Section 520. Number of instructors required to provide training
Section 530. Student to instructor ratios
Section 540. Distinct training disciplines
Section 550. Completion of training
Section 560. Length of training
Section 570. Non-English speaking accredited asbestos training programs
Section 580. Examinations
Section 590. Change of address, phone number or contact person
Section 600. Termination of training
Section 610. EPA ASHARA compliance
Section 620. [Repealed]
Section 700. General
Section 710. Worker training
Section 720. Examinations: Asbestos abatement worker
Section 730. Refresher training program
Section 740. Supervisor training
Section 750. Examinations: asbestos abatement supervisors
Section 760. Refresher training program
Section 770. Inspector training
Section 780. Examinations: asbestos inspectors
Section 790. Refresher training program
Section 800. Asbestos management planner training
Section 810. Examinations: asbestos management planners
Section 820. Refresher training program
Section 830. Asbestos project designer training
Section 840. Examinations: asbestos project designers
Section 850. Refresher training program
Section 860. Project monitor training
Section 870. Examination: asbestos project monitors
Section 880. Refresher training program
Section 890. [Repealed]
Appendix 9998. FORMS (18VAC15-20)