Chapter 50. Fair Housing Regulations  

Section 10. Definitions
Section 20. Purpose
Section 30. General construction
Section 40. [Repealed]
Section 50. Scope
Section 60. Notice
Section 70. Real estate practices prohibited
Section 80. Unlawful refusal to sell or rent or to negotiate for the sale or rental
Section 90. Discrimination in terms, conditions and privileges and in services and facilities
Section 100. Other prohibited sale and rental conduct
Section 110. Discriminatory advertisements, statements and notices
Section 120. Discriminatory representations on the availability of dwellings
Section 130. Blockbusting
Section 140. Discrimination in the provision of brokerage services
Section 150. [Repealed]
Section 160. Discrimination in the making of loans and in the provision of other financial assistance
Section 170. Discrimination in the purchasing of loans
Section 180. Discrimination in the terms and conditions for making available loans or other financial assistance
Section 190. Unlawful practices in the selling, brokering, or appraising of residential real property
Section 200. General prohibitions against discrimination because of handicap
Section 210. Housing for older persons
Section 212. Intent to operate as 55 or over housing
Section 215. Verification of occupancy
Section 217. Good faith defense against civil money damages
Section 220. Interference, coercion or intimidation
Section 230. [Repealed]
Section 260. Affirmative advertising efforts
Section 270. Use of words, phrases, symbols and visual aids
Section 280. Selective use of advertising media or content
Section 290. Fair housing policy and practices
Section 300. Submission of information to file a complaint
Section 310. Who may file a complaint
Section 320. Persons against whom complaints may be filed
Section 330. Filing a complaint
Section 340. Form and content of a complaint
Section 350. Date of filing of a complaint
Section 360. Amendment of complaint
Section 370. Service of notice on aggrieved person
Section 380. Respondent to be notified of complaint
Section 390. Respondent may file response
Section 400. Investigations
Section 410. Systemic processing
Section 420. Conduct of investigation
Section 430. Cooperation with federal agencies
Section 440. Completion of investigation
Section 450. Final investigative report
Section 460. Conciliation process
Section 470. Conciliation agreement
Section 480. Relief sought for aggrieved persons during conciliation
Section 490. Conciliation provisions relating to public interest
Section 500. Termination of conciliation process
Section 510. Disclosure of information obtained during conciliation
Section 520. Review of compliance with conciliation agreement
Section 530. Reasonable cause determination
Section 540. Local zoning and land use
Section 550. Pending private civil action
Section 560. [Repealed]