Section 60. Determining whether a college or university is an accredited institution  

Latest version.
  • A. For the purpose of complying with subdivision A 1 a of § 54.1-4409.2 of the Code of Virginia, a college or university that is not accredited by one of the six major regional accrediting organizations listed in the definition of accredited institution in § 54.1-4400 of the Code of Virginia or their successors shall be considered an accredited institution if it is accredited by an accrediting organization recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or its successor. Publication of the name of the accrediting organization by CHEA or its successor shall be sufficient notification that the accrediting organization is recognized by CHEA or its successor.

    B. To determine whether a college or university is an accredited institution if it is accredited by an accrediting organization that is neither one of the six major regional accrediting organizations or their successors, nor an accrediting organization recognized by CHEA or its successor, representatives of the accrediting organization shall meet with a task force appointed by the board to study and recommend to the board how the organization shall demonstrate that its accreditation process and standards are substantially equivalent to the accreditation process and standards of the six major regional accrediting organizations or their successors. The size and composition of the task force shall depend on the facts and circumstances. However, at least one of the members of the task force shall have substantial experience with the accreditation process and standards of the six major regional accrediting organizations or their successors.

    After the task force provides its recommendations to the board, the board shall decide what the requirements shall be to demonstrate that the accreditation process and standards of the accrediting organization are substantially equivalent to the accreditation process and standards of the six major regional accrediting organizations or their successors and shall communicate its decision to the organization. The organization shall then provide the required documentation to the board that will enable the board to decide whether a college or university accredited by the organization is an accredited institution as defined in § 54.1-4400 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 26, Issue 24, eff. September 16, 2010.

Statutory Authority

§§ 54.1-4402 and 54.1-4403 of the Code of Virginia.