Section 34. Qualifications for accredited asbestos training program approval  

Latest version.
  • A. Training programs desiring board approval shall meet the minimum requirements established in this chapter. Persons requesting approval as an accredited asbestos training program to prepare training program participants for licensure requirements shall submit an accredited asbestos Training Program Review and Audit Application with the following required information:

    1. Training provider's business name, physical address, mailing address, and phone number.

    2. Copies of approval letters issued by EPA or other states granting approval of asbestos training programs presented by the provider.

    3. Applicable fee specified in 18VAC15-20-52.

    4. The training program curriculum.

    5. A narrative explanation that states how the training program meets the requirements for approval in the following areas:

    a. Length of training in hours.

    b. Amount and type of hands-on training.

    c. Examinations (length, format and passing score).

    d. Topics covered in the training program.

    e. Assurances of test security and how exams are administered.

    6. A copy of all training program materials including, but not limited to, student manuals, instructor notebooks, handouts, and training aids.

    7. A copy of the examination(s) used and applicable answer sheets.

    8. The names and qualifications, including education and experience, of each instructor and subject areas that each instructor will teach.

    9. A description of and an example of a certificate that will be issued to students who successfully complete the accredited asbestos training program. The certificate shall contain the information required by this chapter.

    10. A proposed training program date for auditing purposes. The proposed date will be confirmed or an alternate date will be proposed within 10 business days after receipt of a complete accredited asbestos training program submission and the required fee.

    B. A complete submission shall consist of all information required by this section. Receipt of application and deposit of fees by the department in no way indicates approval of a training program.

    C. A complete application shall be submitted to the department no less than 45 days prior to the requested audit date.

    D. Upon receipt of a completed application, a preliminary review will be conducted to ensure all written material and other documentation is accurate and up to date. If any deficiencies are noted, a letter will be sent to the applicant indicating the deficiencies and necessary steps to correct them. All deficiencies noted during the preliminary review shall be corrected prior to the on-site audit.

    E. Upon successful completion of the preliminary review, an on-site audit shall be conducted to complete the application process. If any deficiencies are noted during the audit, the training provider will be informed, either in writing or verbally, and offered an opportunity to correct them. Once the audit is complete and any deficiencies corrected, a letter of approval will be sent to the accredited asbestos training program.

    F. All accredited asbestos training programs approved by the board shall have a monitored, final written examination, except for asbestos workers needing an oral examination. The board recommends the examination include a practical component to test skill in asbestos abatement techniques. Students shall obtain a minimum examination grade of 70% correct. Records of the participant's examination shall be maintained in accordance with this chapter.

    G. Letters of approval for accredited asbestos training programs shall be maintained at the business address listed on the approval letter and made accessible to the public. Each provider of an approved accredited asbestos training program shall maintain all records at the business address. The required records shall be available for review upon demand by the board or its representatives.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 03, eff. December 1, 2006.

Statutory Authority

§§ 54.1-201 and 54.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.