Chapter 80. Rules Governing Variable Life Insurance  

Section 10. Scope
Section 20. Definitions
Section 30. Licensing and approval to do business in the Commonwealth
Section 40. Filing for approval to do business in the Commonwealth
Section 50. Standards of suitability
Section 60. Use of sales materials
Section 70. Requirements applicable to contractual services
Section 80. Reports to the Commission
Section 90. Authority of Commission to disapprove
Section 100. Variable life insurance form approval; in general
Section 110. Filing of variable life insurance policies
Section 120. Mandatory policy benefit and design requirements
Section 130. Mandatory policy provisions
Section 140. Policy loan provisions
Section 150. Other policy provisions
Section 160. [Repealed]
Section 200. Establishment and administration of separate accounts
Section 210. Amounts in the separate account
Section 220. Investment by the separate account
Section 230. Limitations on ownership
Section 240. Valuation of separate account assets
Section 250. Separate account investment policy
Section 260. Charges against separate account
Section 270. Standards of conduct
Section 280. Conflicts of interest
Section 290. Investment advisory services to a separate account
Section 300. Information furnished to applicants
Section 310. Applications
Section 320. Reports to policyholders
Section 330. Foreign companies
Section 340. Qualification to sell variable life insurance
Section 350. Reports of disciplinary actions
Section 360. Refusal to qualify agent to sell variable life insurance: suspension, revocation, or nonrenewal of qualification
Section 370. Severability