Chapter 250. Rules, Regulations and Forms Relating to Restrictions on the Purchase and Saleof Equity Securities of Domestic Stock Insurance Companies  

Section 10. Definitions
Section 20. Transactions exempted from the operation of subsection B of the Act
Section 30. Filing of statements
Section 40. Ownership of more than 10% of an equity security
Section 50. Disclaimer of beneficial ownership
Section 60. Exemptions from subsections a and B of the Act
Section 70. Exemption from the act of securities purchased or sold by odd-lot dealers
Section 80. Certain transactions subject to subsection a of the Act
Section 90. Ownership of securities held in trust
Section 100. Exemption for small transactions
Section 110. Exemption from subsection B of the Act of transactions which need not be reported under subsection a of the Act
Section 120. Exemption from subsection B of the Act of certain transactions effected in connection with a distribution
Section 130. Exemption from subsection B of the Act of acquisitions of shares of stock and stock options under certain stock bonus, stock option or similar plans
Section 140. Exemption from subsection B of the Act of certain transactions in which securities are received by redeeming other securities
Section 150. Exemption of long term profits incident to sales within six months of the exercise of an option
Section 160. Exemption from subsection B of the Act of certain acquisitions and dispositions of securities pursuant to merger or consolidations
Section 170. Exemption from subsection B of the Act of transactions involving the deposit or withdrawal of equity securities under a voting trust or deposit ...
Section 180. Exemption from subsection B of the Act of certain transactions involving the conversion of equity securities
Section 190. Exemption from subsection B of the Act of certain transactions involving the sale of subscription rights
Section 200. Exemption of certain securities from subsection C of the Act
Section 210. Exemption from subsection C of the Act of certain transactions effected in connection with distribution
Section 220. Exemption from subsection C of the Act of sales of securities to be acquired
Section 230. Arbitrage transactions under subsection E of the Act
Section 240. Penalty provision
Appendix 9998. FORMS (14VAC5-250)