Latest version.

    A. CPT and ICD-9CM Codes

    Va. Code Section 38.2-3410: Doctor to Include Dentist

    (Medical services legally rendered by dentists and covered under contracts other than dental)

    ICD Codes

    520 - 529 Diseases of oral cavity, salivary glands and jaws

    Va. Code Section 38.2-3411: Newborn Children

    (children less than 32 days old)

    ICD Codes

    740 - 759 Congenital anomalies

    760 - 763 Maternal causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality

    764 - 779 Other conditions originating in the perinatal period

    CPT Codes

    99295 Initial NICU care, per day, for the evaluation and management of a critically ill neonate or infant

    99296 Subsequent NICU care, per day, for the evaluation and management of a critically ill and unstable neonate or infant

    99297 Subsequent NICU care, per day, for the evaluation and management of a critically ill though stable neonate or infant

    99431 History and examination of the normal newborn infant, initiation of diagnostic and treatment programs and preparation of hospital records

    99432 Normal newborn care in other than hospital or birthing room setting, including physical examination of baby and conference(s) with parent(s)

    99433 Subsequent hospital care, for the evaluation and management of a normal newborn, per day

    99440 Newborn resuscitation: provision of positive pressure ventilation and/or chest compressions in the presence of acute inadequate ventilation and/or cardiac output

    Va. Code Section 38.2-3412.1: Mental/Emotional/Nervous Disorders

    (must use UB-82 place-of-service codes from Section B of this Appendix to differentiate between inpatient, partial hospitalization, and outpatient claims where necessary)

    ICD Codes

    290, 293 - 294 Organic Psychotic Conditions

    295 - 299 Other psychoses

    300 - 302, 306 - 316 Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, sexual deviations, other non-psychotic mental disorders

    317 - 319 Mental retardation

    CPT Codes

    99221 - 99223 Initial hospital care, per day, for the evaluation and management of a patient

    99231 - 99233 Subsequent hospital care, per day, for the evaluation and management of a patient

    99238 Hospital discharge day management; 30 minutes or less

    99241 - 99255 Initial consultation for psychiatric evaluation of a patient includes examination of a patient and exchange of information with primary physician and other informants such as nurses or family members, and preparation of report.

    99261 - 99263 Follow up consultation for psychiatric evaluation of a patient

    90801 Psychiatric diagnostic interview examination including history, mental status, or disposition

    90820 Interactive medical psychiatric diagnostic interview examination

    90825 Psychiatric evaluation of hospital records, other psychiatric reports, psychometric and/or projective tests, and other accumulated data for medical diagnostic purposes

    96100 Psychological testing (includes psychodiagnostic assessment of personality, psychopathology, emotionality, intellectual abilities, e.g., WAIS-R, Rorschach, MMPI) with interpretation and report, per hour

    90835 Narcosynthesis for psychiatric diagnostic and therapeutic purposes

    90841 Individual medical psychotherapy by a physician, with continuing medical diagnostic evaluation, and drug management when indicated, including insight oriented, behavior modifying or supportive psychotherapy; (face to face with the patient); time unspecified

    90842 approximately 75 to 80 minutes (90841)

    90843 approximately 20 to 30 minutes (90841)

    90844 approximately 45 to 50 minutes (90841)

    90845 Medical psychoanalysis

    90846 Family medical psychotherapy (without the patient present)

    90847 Family medical psychotherapy (conjoint psychotherapy) by a physician, with continuing medical diagnostic evaluation, and drug management when indicated

    90849 Multiple family group medical psychotherapy by a physician, with continuing medical diagnostic evaluation, and drug management when indicated

    90853 Group medical psychotherapy by a physician, with continuing medical diagnostic evaluation and drug management when indicated

    90855 Interactive individual medical psychotherapy

    90857 Interactive group medical psychotherapy

    90862 Pharmacologic management, including prescription, use, and review of medication with no more than minimal medical psychotherapy

    Other Psychiatric Therapy

    90870 Electroconvulsive therapy, single seizure

    90871 Multiple seizures, per day

    90880 Medical hypnotherapy

    90882 Environmental intervention for medical management purposes on a psychiatric patient's behalf with agencies, employers, or institutions

    90887 Interpretation or explanation of results of psychiatric, other medical examinations and procedures, or other accumulated data to family or other responsible persons, or advising them to assist patient

    90889 Preparation of report of patient's psychiatric status, history, treatment, or progress (other than for legal or consultative purposes) for other physicians, agencies, or insurance carriers

    Other Procedures

    90899 Unlisted psychiatric service or procedure

    Va. Code Section 38.2-3412.1: Alcohol and Drug Dependence

    ICD Codes

    291 Alcoholic Psychoses

    303 Alcohol dependence syndrome

    292 Drug Psychoses

    304 Drug dependence

    305 Nondependent abuse of drugs

    CPT Codes

    Same as listed above for Mental/Emotional/Nervous Disorders, but for above listed conditions.

    Va. Code Section 38.2-3414: Obstetrical Services

    Normal Delivery, Care in Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery

    ICD Codes

    650 Delivery requiring minimal or no assistance, with or without episiotomy, without fetal manipulation [e.g., rotation version] or instrumentation [forceps] of spontaneous, cephalic, vaginal, full-term, single, live born infant. This code is for use as a single diagnosis code and is not to be used with any other code in the range 630 - 676

    CPT Codes

    Any codes in the maternity care and delivery range of 59000-59899 associated with ICD Code 650 listed above

    All Other Obstetrical Services

    ICD Codes

    630 - 677, Complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium

    CPT Codes

    Incision, Excision, Introduction, and Repair

    59000 Amniocentesis, any method

    59012 Cordocentesis (intrauterine), any method

    59015 Chorionic villus sampling, any method

    59020 Fetal contraction stress test

    59025 Fetal non-stress test

    59030 Fetal scalp blood sampling

    59050 Fetal monitoring during labor by consulting physician (ie., non-attending physician) with written report (separate procedure); supervision and interpretation

    59100 Hysterotomy, abdominal (e.g., for hydatidiform mole, abortion)

    59120 Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy; tubal or ovarian, requiring salpingectomy and/or oophorectomy, abdominal or vaginal approach

    59121 tubal or ovarian, without salpingectomy and/or oophorectomy (59120)

    59130 abdominal pregnancy (59120)

    59135 interstitial, uterine pregnancy requiring total hysterectomy (59120)

    59136 interstitial, uterine pregnancy with partial resection of uterus (59120)

    59140 cervical, with evacuation (59120)

    59150 Laparoscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancy; without salpingectomy and/or oophorectomy

    59151 with salpingectomy and/or oophorectomy (59150)

    59160 Curettage, postpartum (separate procedure)

    59200 Insertion of cervical dilator (e.g., laminaria, prostaglandin) (separate procedure)

    59300 Episiotomy or vaginal repair, by other than attending physician

    59320 Cerclage or cervix, during pregnancy; vaginal

    59325 abdominal (59320)

    59350 Hysterorrhaphy of ruptured uterus

    Vaginal Delivery, Antepartum and Postpartum Care

    59400 Routine obstetric care including antepartum care, vaginal delivery (with or without episiotomy, and/or forceps) and postpartum care

    59409 Vaginal delivery only (with or without episiotomy and/or forceps)

    59410 including postpartum care (59409)

    59412 External cephalic version, with or without tocolysis

    59414 Delivery of placenta (separate procedure)

    59425 Antepartum care only; 4-6 visits

    59426 7 or more visits (59425)

    59430 Postpartum care only (separate procedure)

    Cesarean Delivery

    59510 Routine obstetric care including antepartum care, cesarean delivery, and postpartum care

    59514 Cesarean delivery only

    59515 including postpartum care (59514)

    59525 Subtotal or total hysterectomy after cesarean delivery (list in addition to 59510 or 59515)


    99201-99233 Medical treatment of spontaneous complete abortion, any trimester

    59812 Treatment of incomplete abortion, any trimester, completed surgically

    59820 Treatment of missed abortion, completed surgically; first trimester

    59821 second trimester (59820)

    59830 Treatment of septic abortion, completed surgically

    59840 Induced abortion, by dilation and curettage

    59841 Induced abortion, by dilation and evacuation

    59850 Induced abortion, by one or more intra-amniotic injections (amniocentesis-injections), including hospital admission and visits, delivery of fetus and secundines;

    59851 with dilation and curettage and/or evacuation (59850)

    59852 with hysterotomy (failed intra-amniotic injection) (59850)

    Other Procedures

    59870 Uterine evacuation and curettage for hydatidiform mole

    59899 Unlisted procedure, maternity care and delivery


    00850 Cesarean section

    00855 Cesarean hysterectomy

    00857 Continuous epidural analgesia, for labor and cesarean section

    Va. Code Section 38.2-3418: Pregnancy from Rape/Incest

    Same Codes as Obstetrical Services/Any Other Appropriate in cases where coverage is provided solely due to the provisions of § 38.2-3418 of the Code of Virginia

    Va. Code Section 38.2-3418.1: Mammography

    CPT Codes

    76092 Screening Mammography, bilateral (two view film study of each breast)

    Va. Code Section 38.2-3411.1: Child Health Supervision, Services

    (Well Baby Care)

    CPT Codes

    90700 Immunization, active; diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP)

    90701 Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine (DTP)

    90702 Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids (DT)

    90703 Tetanus toxoid

    90704 Mumps virus vaccine, live

    90705 Measles virus vaccine, live, attenuated

    90706 Rubella virus vaccine, live

    90707 Measles, mumps and rubella virus vaccine, live

    90708 Measles, and rubella virus vaccine, live

    90709 Rubella and mumps virus vaccine, live

    90710 Measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccine

    90711 Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and pertussis (DTP) and injectable poliomyelitis vaccine

    90712 Poliovirus vaccine, live, oral (any type (s))

    90716 Varicella (chicken pox) vaccine

    90720 Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and pertussis (DTP) and Hemophilus influenza B (HIB) vaccine

    90737 Hemophilus influenza B

    New Patient

    99381 Initial preventive medicine evaluation and management of an individual including a comprehensive history, a comprehensive examination, counseling/anticipatory guidance/risk factor reduction interventions, and the ordering of appropriate laboratory/diagnostic procedures, new patient; infant (age under 1 year)

    99382 early childhood (age 1 through 4 years) (99381)

    99383 late childhood (age 5 through 11 years) (99381)

    Established Patient

    99391 Periodic preventive medicine reevaluation and management of an individual including a comprehensive history, comprehensive examination, counseling/anticipatory guidance/risk factor reduction interventions, and the ordering of appropriate laboratory/diagnostic procedures, established patient; infant (age under 1 year)

    99392 early childhood (age 1 through 4 years) (99391)

    99393 late childhood (age 5 through 11 years) (99391)

    96110 Developmental testing; limited (e.g., Developmental Screening Test II, Early Language Milestone Screen), with interpretation and report

    81000 Urinalysis, by dip stick or tablet reagent for bilirubin, glucose, hemoglobin, ketones, leukocytes, nitrite, pH, protein, specific gravity, urobilinogen, any number of these constituents; non-automated, with microscopy

    84030 Phenylalanine (PKU), blood

    86580 Tuberculosis, intradermal

    86585 Tuberculosis, tine test

    Va. Code Section 38.2-3418.1:1: Bone Marrow Transplants

    (applies to Breast Cancer Only)

    ICD Codes

    174 through 174.9 - female breast 175 through 175.9 - male breast

    CPT Codes

    36520 Therapeutic apheresis (plasma and/or cell exchange)

    38241 autologous

    86950 Leukocyte transfusion

    The Bureau is aware that because of the changing and unique nature of treatment involving this diagnosis and treatment procedures, reporting only those claim costs associated with these codes will lead to significant under reporting. Accordingly, if one of the ICD Codes and any of the CPT codes shown above are utilized, the insurer should report all claim costs incurred within thirty (30) days prior to the CPT Coded procedure as well as all claim costs incurred within ninety (90) days following the CPT Coded procedure.

    Va. Code Section 38.2-3418.2: Procedures Involving Bones and Joints

    ICD Codes

    524.6 - 524.69 Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

    719 - 719.6, 719.9 Other and Unspecified Disorders of Joint

    719.8 Other Specified Disorders of Joint

    CPT Codes

    20605 Intermediate joint, bursa or ganglion cyst (e.g., temporomandibular, acromioclavicular, wrist, elbow or ankle, olecranon bursa)

    21010 Arthrotomy, temporomandibular joint

    21050 Condylectomy, temporomandibular joint (separate procedure)

    21060 Meniscectomy, partial or complete, temporomandibular joint (separate procedure)

    21070 Coronoidectomy (separate procedure)

    21116 Injection procedure for temporomandibular joint arthrography

    21125 Augmentation, mandibular body or angle; prosthetic material

    21127 With bond graft, onlay or interpositional (includes obtaining autograft)

    21141 Reconstruction midface. LeFort I

    21145 single piece, segment movement in any direction, requiring bone grafts

    21146 two pieces, segment movement in any direction, requiring bone grafts

    21147 three or more pieces, segment movement in any direction, requiring bone grafts

    21150 Reconstruction midface, LeFort II; anterior intrusion

    21151 any direction, requiring bone grafts

    21193 Reconstruction of mandibular rami, horizontal, vertical, "C", or "L" osteotomy; without bone graft

    21194 With bone graft (includes obtaining graft)

    21195 Reconstruction of mandibular rami and/or body, sagittal split; without internal rigid fixation.

    21196 With internal rigid fixation

    21198 Osteotomy, mandible, segmental

    21206 Osteotomy, maxilla, segmental (e.g., Wassmund or Schuchard)

    21208 Osteoplasty, facial bones; augmentation (autograft, allograft, or prosthetic implant)

    21209 Reduction

    21210 Graft, bone; nasal, maxillary or malar areas (includes obtaining graft)

    21215 Mandible (includes obtaining graft)

    21240 Arthroplasty, temporomandibular joint, with or without autograft (includes obtaining graft)

    21242 Arthroplasty, temporomandibular joint, with allograft

    21243 Arthroplasty, temporomandibular joint, with prosthetic joint replacement

    21244 Reconstruction of mandible, extraoral, with transosteal bone plate (e.g., mandibular staple bone plate)

    21245 Reconstruction of mandible or maxilla, subperiosteal implant; partial

    21246 Complete

    21247 Reconstruction of mandibular condyle with bone and cartilage autografts (includes obtaining grafts) (e.g., for hemifacial microsomia)

    21480 Closed treatment of temporomandibular dislocation; initial or subsequent

    21485 Complicated (e.g., recurrent requiring intermaxillary fixation or splinting), initial or subsequent

    21490 Open treatment of temporomandibular dislocation

    29800 Arthroscopy, temporomandibular joint, diagnostic, with or without synovial biopsy (separate procedure)

    29804 Arthroscopy, temporomandibular joint, surgical

    69535 Resection temporal bone, external approach (For middle fossa approach, see 69950-69970)

    70100 Radiologic examination, mandible; partial, less than four views

    70110 Complete, minimum for four views

    70328 Radiologic examination, temporomandibular joint, open and closed mouth; unilateral

    70330 Bilateral

    70332 Temporomandibular joint arthrography, radiological supervision and interpretation

    70336 Magnetic resonance (e.g., proton) imaging, temporomandibular joint

    70486 Computerized axial tomography, maxillofacial area; without contrast material(s)

    70487 With contrast material(s)

    70488 Without contrast material, followed by contrast material(s) and further sections

    B. Uniform Billing Code Numbers (UB-82)


    Field Values

    Report As:


    Hospital, inpatient



    Hospital, affiliated hospice



    Rehabilitation hospital, inpatient



    Hospital, outpatient



    Hospital-based ambulatory surgical facility



    Hospital, outpatient hospice services



    Rehabilitation hospital, outpatient



    Provider's office



    Hospital, office



    Patient's home



    Hospice (Home hospice services)



    Psychiatric facility, inpatient



    Psychiatric facility, outpatient



    Psychiatric day-care facility

    Partial Hospitalization


    Psychiatric night-care facility

    Partial Hospitalization


    Residential substance abuse treatment facility



    Outpatient substance abuse treatment facility



    Independent clinical laboratory



    Nursing home



    Skilled nursing facility/extended care facility



    Ambulance; ground



    Ambulance; air



    Ambulance; sea



    Other unlisted licensed facility
